Source code for django_ca.tests.base.assertions

# This file is part of django-ca (
# django-ca is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# django-ca is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
# implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with django-ca. If not, see
# <>.

""":py:mod:`django_ca.tests.base.assertions` collects assertions used throughout the entire test suite."""

import io
import re
import typing
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone as tz
from typing import AnyStr, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
from unittest.mock import Mock

from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa, x448, x25519
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.types import CertificateIssuerPrivateKeyTypes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding
from cryptography.x509.oid import ExtensionOID
from OpenSSL.crypto import FILETYPE_PEM, X509Store, X509StoreContext, load_certificate

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from import CommandError

import pytest

from django_ca import ca_settings
from django_ca.constants import ReasonFlags
from django_ca.deprecation import (
from django_ca.key_backends.storages import UsePrivateKeyOptions
from django_ca.models import Certificate, CertificateAuthority, X509CertMixin
from django_ca.signals import post_create_ca, post_issue_cert, pre_create_ca, pre_sign_cert
from django_ca.tests.base.mocks import mock_signal
from django_ca.tests.base.utils import (

[docs] def assert_authority_key_identifier(issuer: CertificateAuthority, cert: X509CertMixin) -> None: """Assert the AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension of `issuer`. This assertion tests that :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier` extension of `cert` matches the :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier` extension of `issuer`. """ actual = cert.extensions[ExtensionOID.AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER].value expected = issuer.extensions[ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER].value assert actual.key_identifier == expected.key_identifier # type: ignore[attr-defined]
[docs] def assert_ca_properties( ca: CertificateAuthority, name: str, parent: Optional[CertificateAuthority] = None, private_key_type: Type[CertificateIssuerPrivateKeyTypes] = rsa.RSAPrivateKey, acme_enabled: bool = False, acme_profile: Optional[str] = None, acme_requires_contact: bool = True, crl_number: str = '{"scope": {}}', password: Optional[bytes] = None, ) -> None: """Assert some basic properties of a CA.""" parent_ca = parent or ca parent_serial = parent_ca.serial issuer = parent_ca.subject base_url = f"http://{ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME}/django_ca/" assert == name assert ca.enabled is True assert ca.parent == parent assert ca.crl_number == crl_number # Test ACME properties assert ca.acme_enabled is acme_enabled assert ca.acme_profile == acme_profile or ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_PROFILE assert ca.acme_requires_contact is acme_requires_contact # Test certificate properties assert ca.issuer == issuer # TYPEHINT NOTE: We assume a StoragesBackend here assert isinstance( ca.key_backend.get_key(ca, UsePrivateKeyOptions(password=password)), # type: ignore[attr-defined] private_key_type, ) # Test AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension assert_authority_key_identifier(parent_ca, ca) # Test the BasicConstraints extension basic_constraints_ext = typing.cast( x509.Extension[x509.BasicConstraints], ca.extensions[ExtensionOID.BASIC_CONSTRAINTS] ) assert basic_constraints_ext.critical is True assert is True # Test default signing extensions assert ca.sign_authority_information_access == authority_information_access( ocsp=[uri(f"{base_url}ocsp/{ca.serial}/cert/")], ca_issuers=[uri(f"{base_url}issuer/{parent_serial}.der")], ) assert ca.sign_certificate_policies is None assert ca.sign_crl_distribution_points == crl_distribution_points( distribution_point([uri(f"{base_url}crl/{ca.serial}/")]) ) assert ca.sign_issuer_alternative_name is None
[docs] def assert_certificate( cert: Union[Certificate, CertificateAuthority], subject: x509.Name, algorithm: Type[hashes.HashAlgorithm] = hashes.SHA512, parent: Optional[CertificateAuthority] = None, ) -> None: """Assert certificate properties.""" if isinstance(cert, Certificate): # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=no-else-raise parent = raise NotImplementedError("Remove no-cover pragma if this is caught.") elif parent is None: parent = cert else: parent = cert.parent assert == x509.Version.v3 assert cert.issuer == parent.subject # type: ignore[union-attr] assert cert.subject == subject assert isinstance(cert.algorithm, algorithm)
[docs] @contextmanager def assert_command_error(msg: str) -> Iterator[None]: """Context manager asserting that CommandError is raised. Parameters ---------- msg : str The regex matching the exception message. """ with pytest.raises(CommandError, match=msg): yield
[docs] @contextmanager def assert_create_ca_signals(pre: bool = True, post: bool = True) -> Iterator[Tuple[Mock, Mock]]: """Context manager asserting that the `pre_create_ca`/`post_create_ca` signals are (not) called.""" with mock_signal(pre_create_ca) as pre_sig, mock_signal(post_create_ca) as post_sig: try: yield pre_sig, post_sig finally: assert pre_sig.called is pre assert post_sig.called is post
[docs] @contextmanager def assert_create_cert_signals(pre: bool = True, post: bool = True) -> Iterator[Tuple[Mock, Mock]]: """Context manager asserting that the `pre_create_cert`/`post_create_cert` signals are (not) called.""" with mock_signal(pre_sign_cert) as pre_sig, mock_signal(post_issue_cert) as post_sig: try: yield pre_sig, post_sig finally: assert pre_sig.called is pre assert post_sig.called is post
[docs] def assert_crl( crl: bytes, expected: Optional[typing.Sequence[X509CertMixin]] = None, signer: Optional[CertificateAuthority] = None, expires: int = 86400, algorithm: Optional[hashes.HashAlgorithm] = None, encoding: Encoding = Encoding.PEM, idp: Optional["x509.Extension[x509.IssuingDistributionPoint]"] = None, extensions: Optional[List["x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType]"]] = None, crl_number: int = 0, entry_extensions: Optional[Tuple[List[x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType]]]] = None, ) -> None: """Test the given CRL. Parameters ---------- crl : bytes The raw CRL expected : list signer expires algorithm encoding idp extensions crl_number """ expected = expected or [] signer = signer or CertificateAuthority.objects.get(name="child") extensions = extensions or [] now = expires_timestamp = now + timedelta(seconds=expires) if idp is not None: # pragma: no branch extensions.append(idp) extensions.append(signer.get_authority_key_identifier_extension()) extensions.append( x509.Extension( value=x509.CRLNumber(crl_number=crl_number), critical=False, oid=ExtensionOID.CRL_NUMBER ) ) if encoding == Encoding.PEM: parsed_crl = x509.load_pem_x509_crl(crl) else: parsed_crl = x509.load_der_x509_crl(crl) public_key = if isinstance(public_key, (x448.X448PublicKey, x25519.X25519PublicKey)): # pragma: no cover raise TypeError() # just to make mypy happy assert isinstance(parsed_crl.signature_hash_algorithm, type(algorithm)) assert parsed_crl.is_signature_valid(public_key) is True assert parsed_crl.issuer == assert crl_last_update(parsed_crl) == now.replace(microsecond=0) assert crl_next_update(parsed_crl) == expires_timestamp.replace(microsecond=0) assert list(parsed_crl.extensions) == extensions entries = {e.serial_number: e for e in parsed_crl} assert list(entries) == [ for c in expected] for i, entry in enumerate(entries.values()): assert revoked_certificate_revocation_date(entry) == now if entry_extensions: assert list(entry.extensions) == entry_extensions[i] else: assert not list(entry.extensions)
[docs] def assert_e2e_command_error( cmd: typing.Sequence[str], stdout: Union[str, bytes, "re.Pattern[AnyStr]"] = "", stderr: Union[str, bytes, "re.Pattern[AnyStr]"] = "", ) -> None: """Assert that the passed command raises a CommandError with the given message.""" if isinstance(stdout, str): # pragma: no cover stdout = "CommandError: " + stdout + "\n" elif isinstance(stdout, bytes): # pragma: no cover stdout = b"CommandError: " + stdout + b"\n" assert_e2e_error(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, code=1)
[docs] def assert_e2e_error( cmd: typing.Sequence[str], stdout: Union[str, bytes, "re.Pattern[AnyStr]"] = "", stderr: Union[str, bytes, "re.Pattern[AnyStr]"] = "", code: int = 2, ) -> None: """Assert an error was through in an e2e command.""" if isinstance(stdout, str) or (isinstance(stdout, re.Pattern) and isinstance(stdout.pattern, str)): actual_stdout = io.StringIO() else: actual_stdout = io.BytesIO() # type: ignore[assignment] if isinstance(stderr, str) or (isinstance(stderr, re.Pattern) and isinstance(stderr.pattern, str)): actual_stderr = io.StringIO() else: actual_stderr = io.BytesIO() # type: ignore[assignment] with assert_system_exit(code): cmd_e2e(cmd, stdout=actual_stdout, stderr=actual_stderr) if isinstance(stdout, (str, bytes)): assert stdout == actual_stdout.getvalue() elif isinstance(stdout.pattern, str): # pragma: no cover assert else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError if isinstance(stderr, (str, bytes)): assert stderr == actual_stderr.getvalue() elif isinstance(stderr.pattern, str): assert else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def assert_extensions( cert: Union[X509CertMixin, x509.Certificate], extensions: Iterable[x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType]], signer: Optional[CertificateAuthority] = None, expect_defaults: bool = True, ) -> None: """Assert that `cert` has the given extensions.""" # temporary fast check for ext in extensions: assert isinstance(ext, x509.Extension) expected = {e.oid: e for e in extensions} if isinstance(cert, Certificate): pubkey = actual = cert.extensions signer = elif isinstance(cert, CertificateAuthority): pubkey = actual = cert.extensions if cert.parent is None: # root CA signer = cert else: # intermediate CA signer = cert.parent elif isinstance(cert, x509.Certificate): # cg cert pubkey = cert.public_key() actual = {e.oid: e for e in cert.extensions} else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("cert must be Certificate(Authority) or x509.Certificate)") if expect_defaults is True: if isinstance(cert, Certificate): expected.setdefault(ExtensionOID.BASIC_CONSTRAINTS, basic_constraints(ca=False)) if signer is not None: # pragma: no branch expected.setdefault( ExtensionOID.AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER, signer.get_authority_key_identifier_extension(), ) if isinstance(cert, Certificate) and signer.sign_crl_distribution_points: expected.setdefault(ExtensionOID.CRL_DISTRIBUTION_POINTS, signer.sign_crl_distribution_points) if isinstance(cert, Certificate) and signer.sign_authority_information_access: expected.setdefault( ExtensionOID.AUTHORITY_INFORMATION_ACCESS, signer.sign_authority_information_access ) ski = x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier.from_public_key(pubkey) expected.setdefault( ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER, x509.Extension(oid=ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER, critical=False, value=ski), ) # Diff output is bad for dicts, so we sort this based on dotted string to get better output actual_tuple = sorted(actual.items(), key=lambda t: t[0].dotted_string) expected_tuple = sorted(expected.items(), key=lambda t: t[0].dotted_string) assert actual_tuple == expected_tuple
[docs] @contextmanager def assert_improperly_configured(msg: str) -> Iterator[None]: """Shortcut for testing that the code raises ImproperlyConfigured with the given message.""" with pytest.raises(ImproperlyConfigured, match=msg): yield
[docs] def assert_post_issue_cert(post: Mock, cert: Certificate) -> None: """Assert that the post_issue_cert signal was called with the expected certificate.""" post.assert_called_once_with(cert=cert, signal=post_issue_cert, sender=Certificate)
[docs] def assert_revoked( cert: X509CertMixin, reason: Optional[str] = None, compromised: Optional[datetime] = None ) -> None: """Assert that the certificate is now revoked.""" if isinstance(cert, CertificateAuthority): cert = CertificateAuthority.objects.get(serial=cert.serial) else: cert = Certificate.objects.get(serial=cert.serial) assert cert.revoked assert cert.compromised == compromised if reason is None: assert cert.revoked_reason == else: assert cert.revoked_reason == reason
[docs] def assert_signature( chain: Iterable[CertificateAuthority], cert: Union[Certificate, CertificateAuthority] ) -> None: """Assert that `cert` is properly signed by `chain`. .. seealso:: """ store = X509Store() # set the time of the OpenSSL context - freezegun doesn't work, because timestamp comes from OpenSSL now = store.set_time(now) for elem in chain: ca = load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, store.add_cert(ca) # Verify that the CA itself is valid store_ctx = X509StoreContext(store, ca) assert store_ctx.verify_certificate() is None # type: ignore[func-returns-value] loaded_cert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, store_ctx = X509StoreContext(store, loaded_cert) assert store_ctx.verify_certificate() is None # type: ignore[func-returns-value]
[docs] @contextmanager def assert_system_exit(code: int) -> Iterator[None]: """Assert that SystemExit is raised.""" with pytest.raises(SystemExit, match=rf"^{code}$") as excm: yield assert excm.value.args == (code,)
[docs] @contextmanager def assert_removed_in_200(match: Optional[Union[str, "re.Pattern[str]"]] = None) -> Iterator[None]: """Assert that a ``RemovedInDjangoCA200Warning`` is emitted.""" with pytest.warns(RemovedInDjangoCA200Warning, match=match): yield