Source code for django_ca.profiles

# This file is part of django-ca (
# django-ca is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# django-ca is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
# implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with django-ca. If not, see
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"""Module for handling certificate profiles."""

import typing
import warnings
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from threading import local
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel

from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.types import CertificateIssuerPublicKeyTypes
from cryptography.x509.oid import AuthorityInformationAccessOID, ExtensionOID, NameOID

from django.urls import reverse

from django_ca import ca_settings, constants, typehints
from django_ca.deprecation import RemovedInDjangoCA128Warning
from django_ca.extensions import parse_extension
from django_ca.extensions.utils import format_extensions, get_formatting_context
from django_ca.pydantic.extensions import SignCertificateExtensionsList
from import NameModel
from django_ca.signals import pre_sign_cert
from django_ca.typehints import (
from django_ca.utils import merge_x509_names, parse_expires, x509_name

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from django_ca.models import CertificateAuthority

# Skip doctests in pytest(-doctestplus), as test_profiles manually loads these tests with extra context.
__doctest_skip__ = ["*"]

[docs] class Profile: """A certificate profile defining properties and extensions of a certificate. Instances of this class usually represent profiles defined in :ref:`CA_PROFILES <settings-ca-profiles>`, but you can also create your own profile to create a different type of certificate. An instance of this class can be used to create a signed certificate based on the given CA:: >>> from cryptography import x509 >>> from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID >>> Profile( ... "example", ... subject=x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME, "AT")]), ... extensions={"ocsp_no_check": {}} ... ) <Profile: example> """ algorithm: Optional[AllowedHashTypes] = None extensions: Dict[x509.ObjectIdentifier, Optional[x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType]]] def __init__( # noqa: PLR0913 self, name: str, subject: Optional[Union[typing.Literal[False], x509.Name]] = None, algorithm: Optional[HashAlgorithms] = None, extensions: Optional[ Dict[str, Optional[Union[ParsableExtension, x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType]]]] ] = None, cn_in_san: Optional[bool] = None, expires: Optional[Union[int, timedelta]] = None, description: str = "", autogenerated: bool = False, add_crl_url: bool = True, add_ocsp_url: bool = True, add_issuer_url: bool = True, add_issuer_alternative_name: bool = True, ) -> None: = name if isinstance(expires, int): expires = timedelta(days=expires) if extensions is None: extensions = {} if subject is None: self.subject: Optional[x509.Name] = ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_SUBJECT elif subject is False: self.subject = None elif isinstance(subject, x509.Name): self.subject = subject else: warnings.warn( f"{subject}: Support for passing a value of type {subject.__class__} is deprecated and will " "be removed in django-ca 1.28.0.", RemovedInDjangoCA128Warning, stacklevel=2, ) self.subject = x509_name(subject) if algorithm is not None: try: self.algorithm = constants.HASH_ALGORITHM_TYPES[algorithm]() except KeyError as ex: raise ValueError(f"{algorithm}: Unknown hash algorithm.") from ex if cn_in_san is not None: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( "cn_in_san: Support for this flag has been removed.", RemovedInDjangoCA128Warning, stacklevel=2, ) self.expires = expires or ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_EXPIRES self.add_crl_url = add_crl_url self.add_issuer_url = add_issuer_url self.add_ocsp_url = add_ocsp_url self.add_issuer_alternative_name = add_issuer_alternative_name self.description = description self.autogenerated = autogenerated # Instantiating mutable dict here and not as class attribute to improve isolation self.extensions: Dict[x509.ObjectIdentifier, Optional[x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType]]] = {} # cast extensions to their respective classes for key, extension in extensions.items(): if isinstance(extension, x509.Extension): self.extensions[extension.oid] = extension elif extension is None: # None value explicitly deactivates/unsets an extension in the admin interface self.extensions[EXTENSION_KEY_OIDS[key]] = None else: parsed_extension = parse_extension(key, extension) self.extensions[parsed_extension.oid] = parsed_extension def __eq__(self, value: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(value, (Profile, DefaultProfileProxy)): return False algo = isinstance(value.algorithm, type(self.algorithm)) return ( == and self.subject == value.subject and algo and self.extensions == value.extensions and self.expires == value.expires and self.add_crl_url == value.add_crl_url and self.add_issuer_url == value.add_issuer_url and self.add_ocsp_url == value.add_ocsp_url and self.add_issuer_alternative_name == value.add_issuer_alternative_name and self.description == value.description ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Profile: {}>" def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self) def _get_extensions(self, extensions: typehints.ExtensionDict) -> None: for oid, ext in self.extensions.items(): if ext is None: extensions.pop(oid, None) else: extensions.setdefault(oid, ext)
[docs] def create_cert( # noqa: PLR0913 self, ca: "CertificateAuthority", key_backend_options: BaseModel, csr: x509.CertificateSigningRequest, *, subject: Optional[x509.Name] = None, expires: Expires = None, algorithm: Optional[AllowedHashTypes] = None, extensions: Optional[Iterable[x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType]]] = None, add_crl_url: Optional[bool] = None, add_ocsp_url: Optional[bool] = None, add_issuer_url: Optional[bool] = None, add_issuer_alternative_name: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> x509.Certificate: """Create a x509 certificate based on this profile, the passed CA and input parameters. This function is the core function used to create x509 certificates. In its simplest form, you only need to pass a ca, private key options, a CSR and a subject to get a valid certificate:: >>> from cryptography import x509 >>> from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID >>> from django_ca.key_backends.storages import UsePrivateKeyOptions >>> subject = x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, '')]) >>> key_backend_options = UsePrivateKeyOptions(password=None) >>> profile = get_profile('webserver') >>> profile.create_cert(ca, key_backend_options, csr, subject=subject) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <Certificate(subject=<Name(...,>, ...)> .. versionchanged:: 1.26.0 All optional arguments have to be passed as keyword arguments. The function will add CRL, OCSP, Issuer and IssuerAlternativeName URLs based on the CA if the profile has the *add_crl_url*, *add_ocsp_url* and *add_issuer_url* and *add_issuer_alternative_name* values set. Parameters to this function with the same name allow you override this behavior. The function allows you to override profile values using the *expires* and *algorithm* values. You can pass additional *extensions* as a list, which will override any extensions from the profile, but the CA passed will append to these extensions unless the *add_...* values are ``False``. Parameters ---------- ca : :py:class:`~django_ca.models.CertificateAuthority` The CA to sign the certificate with. key_backend_options : BaseModel Options required for using the private key of the certificate authority. csr : :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.CertificateSigningRequest` The CSR for the certificate. subject : :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.Name`, optional Subject for the certificate. The value will be merged with the subject of the profile. If not given, the certificate's subject will be identical to the subject from the profile. expires : int or datetime or timedelta, optional Override when this certificate will expire. algorithm : :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.HashAlgorithm`, optional Override the hash algorithm used when signing the certificate. extensions : list or of :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.Extension` List of additional extensions to set for the certificate. Note that values from the CA might update the passed extensions: For example, if you pass an :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.IssuerAlternativeName` extension, *add_issuer_alternative_name* is ``True`` and the passed CA has an IssuerAlternativeName set, that value will be appended to the extension you pass here. add_crl_url : bool, optional Override if any CRL URLs from the CA should be added to the CA. If not passed, the value set in the profile is used. add_ocsp_url : bool, optional Override if any OCSP URLs from the CA should be added to the CA. If not passed, the value set in the profile is used. add_issuer_url : bool, optional Override if any Issuer URLs from the CA should be added to the CA. If not passed, the value set in the profile is used. add_issuer_alternative_name : bool, optional Override if any IssuerAlternativeNames from the CA should be added to the CA. If not passed, the value set in the profile is used. password: bytes or str, optional The password to the private key of the CA. Returns ------- cryptography.x509.Certificate The signed certificate. """ # Get overrides values from profile if not passed as parameter if add_crl_url is None: add_crl_url = self.add_crl_url if add_ocsp_url is None: add_ocsp_url = self.add_ocsp_url if add_issuer_url is None: add_issuer_url = self.add_issuer_url if add_issuer_alternative_name is None: add_issuer_alternative_name = self.add_issuer_alternative_name if extensions is None: cert_extensions: typehints.ExtensionDict = {} else: cert_extensions = {ext.oid: ext for ext in extensions} # Get extensions from profile self._get_extensions(cert_extensions) self._update_from_ca( ca, cert_extensions, add_crl_url=add_crl_url, add_ocsp_url=add_ocsp_url, add_issuer_url=add_issuer_url, add_issuer_alternative_name=add_issuer_alternative_name, ) if self.subject is not None: if subject is not None: subject = merge_x509_names(self.subject, subject) else: subject = self.subject # Add first DNSName/IPAddress from subjectAlternativeName as commonName if not present in the subject subject = self._update_cn_from_san(subject, cert_extensions) if subject is None: raise ValueError("Cannot determine subject for certificate.") if algorithm is None and ca.algorithm: if self.algorithm is not None: algorithm = self.algorithm else: algorithm = ca.algorithm # Make sure that expires is a fixed timestamp expires = self.get_expires(expires) if not subject.get_attributes_for_oid(NameOID.COMMON_NAME) and not cert_extensions.get( ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME ): raise ValueError("Must name at least a CN or a subjectAlternativeName.") public_key = typing.cast(CertificateIssuerPublicKeyTypes, csr.public_key()) # COVERAGE NOTE: unable to create CSR other types if not isinstance(public_key, constants.PUBLIC_KEY_TYPES): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f"{public_key}: Unsupported public key type.") # Add the SubjectKeyIdentifier extension cert_extensions.setdefault( ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER, x509.Extension( oid=ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER, critical=False, value=x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier.from_public_key(public_key), ), ) # Set the BasicConstraints extension (we do not allow the user to pass this extension) cert_extensions[ExtensionOID.BASIC_CONSTRAINTS] = x509.Extension( oid=ExtensionOID.BASIC_CONSTRAINTS, critical=True, value=x509.BasicConstraints(ca=False, path_length=None), ) serial = x509.random_serial_number() signer_serial = context = self._get_formatting_context(serial, signer_serial) format_extensions(cert_extensions, context) extensions = list(cert_extensions.values()) pre_sign_cert.send( sender=self.__class__, ca=ca, csr=csr, expires=expires, algorithm=algorithm, subject=subject, extensions=extensions, password=key_backend_options, ) return ca.key_backend.sign_certificate( ca, key_backend_options, public_key, serial=serial, algorithm=algorithm, issuer=ca.subject, subject=subject, expires=expires, extensions=extensions, )
def _get_formatting_context(self, serial: int, signer_serial: int) -> Dict[str, Union[str, int]]: context = get_formatting_context(serial, signer_serial) kwargs = {"serial": context["SIGNER_SERIAL_HEX"]} context["OCSP_PATH"] = reverse("django_ca:ocsp-cert-post", kwargs=kwargs).lstrip("/") context["CRL_PATH"] = reverse("django_ca:crl", kwargs=kwargs).lstrip("/") return context
[docs] def get_expires(self, expires: Expires) -> datetime: """Get expiry for the given expiry timestamp.""" if expires is None: expires = self.expires return parse_expires(expires)
[docs] def serialize(self) -> SerializedProfile: """Serialize the profile.""" algorithm = subject = None if self.subject is not None: # TYPEHINT NOTE: mypy thinks that model_dump() returns List[NameAttributeModel] subject = typing.cast( SerializedPydanticName, NameModel.model_validate(self.subject).model_dump(mode="json") ) if self.algorithm is not None: algorithm = HASH_ALGORITHM_NAMES[type(self.algorithm)] profile_extensions = [ext for ext in self.extensions.values() if ext is not None] clear_extensions = [EXTENSION_KEYS[oid] for oid, ext in self.extensions.items() if ext is None] extensions = SignCertificateExtensionsList.validate_python(profile_extensions) return { "name":, "description": self.description, "subject": subject, "algorithm": algorithm, "extensions": [ext.model_dump(mode="json") for ext in extensions], "clear_extensions": clear_extensions, }
def _update_authority_information_access( self, extensions: ExtensionMapping, ca_extensions: ExtensionMapping, add_issuer_url: bool, add_ocsp_url: bool, ) -> None: oid = ExtensionOID.AUTHORITY_INFORMATION_ACCESS # If there is no extension from the CA there is nothing to merge. if oid not in ca_extensions: return ca_aia_ext = typing.cast(x509.Extension[x509.AuthorityInformationAccess], ca_extensions[oid]) critical = ca_aia_ext.critical has_issuer = has_ocsp = False access_descriptions: List[x509.AccessDescription] = [] if oid in extensions: cert_aia_ext = typing.cast(x509.Extension[x509.AuthorityInformationAccess], extensions[oid]) access_descriptions = list(cert_aia_ext.value) has_ocsp = any( ad.access_method == AuthorityInformationAccessOID.OCSP for ad in access_descriptions ) has_issuer = any( ad.access_method == AuthorityInformationAccessOID.CA_ISSUERS for ad in access_descriptions ) critical = cert_aia_ext.critical if add_issuer_url is True and has_issuer is False: access_descriptions += [ ad for ad in ca_aia_ext.value if ad not in access_descriptions and ad.access_method == AuthorityInformationAccessOID.CA_ISSUERS ] if add_ocsp_url is True and has_ocsp is False: access_descriptions += [ ad for ad in ca_aia_ext.value if ad not in access_descriptions and ad.access_method == AuthorityInformationAccessOID.OCSP ] # Finally sort by OID so that we have more predictable behavior access_descriptions = sorted(access_descriptions, key=lambda ad: ad.access_method.dotted_string) if access_descriptions: extensions[oid] = x509.Extension( oid=oid, critical=critical, value=x509.AuthorityInformationAccess(access_descriptions), ) def _add_crl_distribution_points( self, extensions: ExtensionMapping, ca_extensions: ExtensionMapping ) -> None: """Add the CRLDistribution Points extension with the endpoint from the Certificate Authority.""" if ExtensionOID.CRL_DISTRIBUTION_POINTS not in ca_extensions: return if ExtensionOID.CRL_DISTRIBUTION_POINTS in extensions: return extensions[ExtensionOID.CRL_DISTRIBUTION_POINTS] = ca_extensions[ExtensionOID.CRL_DISTRIBUTION_POINTS] def _update_issuer_alternative_name( self, extensions: ExtensionMapping, ca_extensions: ExtensionMapping ) -> None: oid = ExtensionOID.ISSUER_ALTERNATIVE_NAME if oid in ca_extensions and oid not in extensions: extensions[oid] = ca_extensions[oid] def _update_from_ca( self, ca: "CertificateAuthority", extensions: ExtensionMapping, add_crl_url: bool, add_ocsp_url: bool, add_issuer_url: bool, add_issuer_alternative_name: bool, ) -> None: """Update data from the given CA. * Sets the AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension * Sets the OCSP url if add_ocsp_url is True * Sets a CRL URL if add_crl_url is True * Adds an IssuerAlternativeName if add_issuer_alternative_name is True """ ca_extensions = ca.extensions_for_certificate # client can set its own AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension (currently used for the alt-extensions # certificate when creating fixtures). extensions.setdefault( ExtensionOID.AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER, ca.get_authority_key_identifier_extension() ) if add_crl_url is True: self._add_crl_distribution_points(extensions, ca_extensions) self._update_authority_information_access( extensions, ca_extensions, add_issuer_url=add_issuer_url, add_ocsp_url=add_ocsp_url ) if add_issuer_alternative_name is not False: self._update_issuer_alternative_name(extensions, ca_extensions) def _update_cn_from_san( self, subject: Optional[x509.Name], extensions: ExtensionMapping ) -> Optional[x509.Name]: # If we already have a common name, return the subject unchanged if subject is not None and subject.get_attributes_for_oid(NameOID.COMMON_NAME): return subject if ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME in extensions: san_ext = typing.cast( x509.Extension[x509.SubjectAlternativeName], extensions[ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME], ) cn_types = (x509.DNSName, x509.IPAddress) common_name = next( (str(val.value) for val in san_ext.value if isinstance(val, cn_types)), None, ) if common_name is not None: common_name_name = x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, common_name)]) if subject is None: return common_name_name return merge_x509_names(subject, common_name_name) return subject
def get_profile(name: Optional[str] = None) -> Profile: """Get profile by the given name. Raises ``KeyError`` if the profile is not defined. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The name of the profile. If ``None``, the profile configured by :ref:`CA_DEFAULT_PROFILE <settings-ca-default-profile>` is used. """ if name is None: name = ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_PROFILE return Profile(name, **ca_settings.CA_PROFILES[name]) class Profiles: """A profile handler similar to Django's CacheHandler.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self._profiles = local() def __getitem__(self, name: Optional[str]) -> Profile: if name is None: name = ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_PROFILE try: return typing.cast(Profile, self._profiles.profiles[name]) except AttributeError: self._profiles.profiles = {} except KeyError: pass self._profiles.profiles[name] = get_profile(name) return typing.cast(Profile, self._profiles.profiles[name]) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Profile]: for name in ca_settings.CA_PROFILES: yield self[name] def _reset(self) -> None: self._profiles = local() profiles = Profiles() class DefaultProfileProxy: """Default profile proxy, similar to Django's DefaultCacheProxy. .. NOTE:: We don't implement setattr/delattr, because Profiles are supposed to be read-only anyway. """ def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: return getattr(profiles[ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_PROFILE], name) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, (DefaultProfileProxy, Profile)): return False return profiles[ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_PROFILE] == other def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<DefaultProfile: {}>" def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self) profile = DefaultProfileProxy()