Source code for django_ca.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of django-ca (
# django-ca is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# django-ca is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with django-ca.  If not,
# see <>.

"""Central functions to load CA key and cert as PKey/X509 objects."""

import re
from collections import Iterable
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from ipaddress import ip_address
from ipaddress import ip_network

from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.x509.oid import ExtendedKeyUsageOID
from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID

from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.core.validators import URLValidator
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.functional import Promise
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from django_ca import ca_settings

# List of possible subject fields, in order
SUBJECT_FIELDS = ['C', 'ST', 'L', 'O', 'OU', 'CN', 'emailAddress', ]

# Description strings for various X509 extensions, taken from "man x509v3_config".
EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE_DESC = _('Purposes for which the certificate public key can be used for.')
KEY_USAGE_DESC = _('Permitted key usages.')

#: Regular expression to match RDNs out of a full x509 name.
NAME_RE = re.compile(r'(?:/+|\A)\s*(?P<field>[^\s]*?)\s*'
                     r'(?(quote)(?<!\\)(?P=quote))', re.I)

#: Regular expression to match general names.
GENERAL_NAME_RE = re.compile('^(email|URI|IP|DNS|RID|dirName|otherName):(.*)', flags=re.I)
_datetime_format = '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ'

    x509.DNSName: 'DNS',
    x509.RFC822Name: 'email',
    x509.DirectoryName: 'dirname',
    x509.UniformResourceIdentifier: 'URI',
    x509.IPAddress: 'IP',
    x509.RegisteredID: 'RID',
    x509.OtherName: 'otherName',

    NameOID.EMAIL_ADDRESS: 'emailAddress',

# same, but reversed
NAME_OID_MAPPINGS = {v: k for k, v in OID_NAME_MAPPINGS.items()}

# uppercase values as keys for normalizing case
NAME_CASE_MAPPINGS = {v.upper(): v for v in OID_NAME_MAPPINGS.values()}

    'cRLSign': 'crl_sign',
    'dataEncipherment': 'data_encipherment',
    'decipherOnly': 'decipher_only',
    'digitalSignature': 'digital_signature',
    'encipherOnly': 'encipher_only',
    'keyAgreement': 'key_agreement',
    'keyCertSign': 'key_cert_sign',
    'keyEncipherment': 'key_encipherment',
    'nonRepudiation': 'content_commitment',  #

    'serverAuth': ExtendedKeyUsageOID.SERVER_AUTH,
    'clientAuth': ExtendedKeyUsageOID.CLIENT_AUTH,
    'codeSigning': ExtendedKeyUsageOID.CODE_SIGNING,
    'emailProtection': ExtendedKeyUsageOID.EMAIL_PROTECTION,
    'timeStamping': ExtendedKeyUsageOID.TIME_STAMPING,
    'OCSPSigning': ExtendedKeyUsageOID.OCSP_SIGNING,

[docs]class LazyEncoder(DjangoJSONEncoder): """Encoder that also encodes strings translated with ugettext_lazy.""" def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Promise): return force_text(obj) return super(LazyEncoder, self).default(obj)
[docs]def sort_subject_dict(d): """Returns an itemized dictionary in the correct order for a x509 subject.""" return sorted(d.items(), key=lambda e: SUBJECT_FIELDS.index(e[0]))
[docs]def format_name(subject): """Convert a subject into the canonical form for distinguished names. Examples:: >>> format_name([('CN', ''), ]) '/' """ if isinstance(subject, x509.Name): subject = [(OID_NAME_MAPPINGS[s.oid], s.value) for s in subject] return '/%s' % ('/'.join(['%s=%s' % (force_text(k), force_text(v)) for k, v in subject]))
[docs]def format_general_names(names): """Format a list of general names. >>> import ipaddress >>> format_general_names([x509.DNSName('')]) '' >>> format_general_names([x509.IPAddress(ipaddress.IPv4Address(''))]) 'IP:' >>> format_general_names([x509.DirectoryName( ... x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(x509.oid.NameOID.COMMON_NAME, '')]))]) 'dirname:/' >>> format_general_names([x509.DNSName(''), x509.DNSName('')]) ',' """ formatted = [] for name in names: if isinstance(name, x509.DirectoryName): value = format_name(name.value) else: value = name.value formatted.append('%s:%s' % (SAN_NAME_MAPPINGS[type(name)], value)) return ', '.join(formatted)
[docs]def is_power2(num): """Return True if num is a power of 2. >>> is_power2(4) True """ return num != 0 and ((num & (num - 1)) == 0)
[docs]def multiline_url_validator(value): """Validate that a TextField contains one valid URL per line. .. seealso:: """ validator = URLValidator() for line in value.splitlines(): validator(line)
[docs]def add_colons(s): """Add colons after every second digit. This function is used in functions to prettify serials. >>> add_colons('teststring') 'te:st:st:ri:ng' """ return ':'.join(a + b for a, b in zip(s[::2], s[1::2]))
[docs]def int_to_hex(i): """Create a hex-representation of the given serial. >>> int_to_hex(123456789) '75:BC:D1' """ s = hex(i)[2:].upper() return add_colons(s)
[docs]def parse_name(name): """Parses a subject string as used in OpenSSLs command line utilities. The ``name`` is expected to be close to the subject format commonly used by OpenSSL, for example ``/C=AT/L=Vienna/``. The function does its best to be lenient on deviations from the format, object identifiers are case-insensitive (e.g. ``cn`` is the same as ``CN``, whitespace at the start and end is stripped and the subject does not have to start with a slash (``/``). >>> parse_name('/') OrderedDict([('CN', '')]) >>> parse_name('c=AT/l= Vienna/o="ex org"/') OrderedDict([('C', 'AT'), ('L', 'Vienna'), ('O', 'ex org'), ('CN', '')]) Dictionary keys are normalized to the values of :py:const:`OID_NAME_MAPPINGS` and keys will be sorted based on x509 name specifications regardless of the given order: >>> parse_name('L="Vienna / District"/') OrderedDict([('L', 'Vienna / District'), ('emailAddress', '')]) >>> parse_name('/C=AT/') == parse_name('/') True Due to the magic of :py:const:`NAME_RE`, the function even supports quoting strings and including slashes, so strings like ``/OU="Org / Org Unit"/`` will work as expected. >>> parse_name('L="Vienna / District"/') OrderedDict([('L', 'Vienna / District'), ('CN', '')]) But note that it's still easy to trick this function, if you really want to. The following example is *not* a valid subject, the location is just bogus, and whatever you were expecting as output, it's certainly different: >>> parse_name('L="Vienna " District"/') OrderedDict([('L', 'Vienna'), ('CN', '')]) Examples of where this string is used are: .. code-block:: console # openssl req -new -key priv.key -out csr -utf8 -batch -sha256 -subj '/C=AT/' # openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -subject -nameopt compat /C=AT/L=Vienna/ """ name = name.strip() if not name: # empty subjects are ok return {} try: items = [(NAME_CASE_MAPPINGS[t[0].upper()], force_text(t[2])) for t in NAME_RE.findall(name)] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError('Unknown x509 name field: %s' % e.args[0]) parsed = sorted(items, key=lambda e: SUBJECT_FIELDS.index(e[0])) return OrderedDict(parsed)
[docs]def x509_name(name): """Parses a subject string into a :py:class:`x509.Name <cryptography:cryptography.x509.Name>`. If ``name`` is a string, :py:func:`parse_name` is used to parse it. A list of tuples or a ``dict`` (preferrably an :py:class:`~python:collections.OrderedDict`) is also supported. >>> x509_name('/C=AT/') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <Name([<NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=countryName)>, value='AT')>, <NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value='')>])> >>> x509_name([('C', 'AT'), ('CN', '')]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <Name([<NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=countryName)>, value='AT')>, <NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value='')>])> >>> x509_name(OrderedDict([('C', 'AT'), ('CN', '')])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <Name([<NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=countryName)>, value='AT')>, <NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value='')>])> >>> x509_name(OrderedDict([('C', 'AT'), ('CN', '')])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <Name([<NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=countryName)>, value='AT')>, <NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value='')>])> """ if isinstance(name, six.string_types): name = parse_name(name).items() elif isinstance(name, OrderedDict): name = name.items() elif isinstance(name, dict): name = sort_subject_dict(name) return x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(NAME_OID_MAPPINGS[typ], force_text(value)) for typ, value in name])
[docs]def parse_general_name(name): """Parse a general name from user input. This function will do its best to detect the intended type of any value passed to it: >>> parse_general_name('') <DNSName(> >>> parse_general_name('') <RFC822Name(> >>> parse_general_name('') <UniformResourceIdentifier(value=> >>> parse_general_name('') <IPAddress(value=> >>> parse_general_name('/') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <DirectoryName(value=<Name([<NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value='')>])>)> The default fallback is to assume a :py:class:`~cryptography:cryptography.x509.DNSName`. This isn't terribly safe, as almost anything passes: >>> parse_general_name('`*123') <DNSName(`*123)> If you want to override detection, you can prefix the name to match :py:const:`GENERAL_NAME_RE`: >>> parse_general_name('') <RFC822Name(> >>> parse_general_name('URI:') <UniformResourceIdentifier(value=> >>> parse_general_name('dirname:/') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <DirectoryName(value=<Name([<NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value='')>])>)> Some more exotic values can only be generated by using this prefix: >>> parse_general_name('rid:') <RegisteredID(value=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>)> >>> parse_general_name('otherName:,') <OtherName(type_id=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value=b'')> If you give a prefixed value, this function is less forgiving of any typos and does not catch any exceptions: >>> parse_general_name('foo@') <DNSName(value=foo@)> >>> parse_general_name('email:foo@') Traceback (most recent call last): ... idna.core.IDNAError: Empty domain """ name = force_text(name) typ = None match = GENERAL_NAME_RE.match(name) if match is not None: typ, name = match.groups() typ = typ.lower() if typ is None: if re.match('[a-z0-9]{2,}://', name): # Looks like a URI try: return x509.UniformResourceIdentifier(name) except: # pragma: no cover - this really accepts anything pass if '@' in name: # Looks like an Email address try: return x509.RFC822Name(name) except: pass if name.strip().startswith('/'): # maybe it's a dirname? return x509.DirectoryName(x509_name(name)) # Try to parse this as IPAddress/Network try: return x509.IPAddress(ip_address(name)) except ValueError: pass try: return x509.IPAddress(ip_network(name)) except ValueError: pass # Almost anything passes as DNS name, so this is our default fallback return x509.DNSName(name) if typ == 'uri': return x509.UniformResourceIdentifier(name) elif typ == 'email': return x509.RFC822Name(name) elif typ == 'ip': try: return x509.IPAddress(ip_address(name)) except ValueError: pass try: return x509.IPAddress(ip_network(name)) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError('Could not parse IP address.') elif typ == 'rid': return x509.RegisteredID(x509.ObjectIdentifier(name)) elif typ == 'othername': type_id, value = name.split(',', 1) type_id = x509.ObjectIdentifier(type_id) value = force_bytes(value) return x509.OtherName(type_id, value) elif typ == 'dirname': return x509.DirectoryName(x509_name(name)) else: return x509.DNSName(name)
[docs]def get_cert_builder(expires, now=None): """Get a basic X509 cert object. Parameters ---------- expires : datetime When this certificate will expire. """ if now is None: now = datetime.utcnow() now = now.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) expires = expires.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) builder = x509.CertificateBuilder() builder = builder.not_valid_before(now) builder = builder.not_valid_after(expires) builder = builder.serial_number(x509.random_serial_number()) return builder
[docs]def get_cert_profile_kwargs(name=None): """Get kwargs suitable for get_cert X509 keyword arguments from the given profile.""" if name is None: name = ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_PROFILE profile = deepcopy(ca_settings.CA_PROFILES[name]) kwargs = { 'cn_in_san': profile['cn_in_san'], 'subject': OrderedDict(sort_subject_dict(profile['subject'])), } for arg in ['keyUsage', 'extendedKeyUsage']: config = profile.get(arg) if config is None or not config.get('value'): continue critical = config.get('critical', 'True') value = config['value'] if isinstance(value, six.string_types): kwargs[arg] = (critical, value) elif isinstance(value, Iterable): kwargs[arg] = (critical, ','.join([force_text(v) for v in value])) else: # pragma: no cover kwargs[arg] = (critical, force_text(value)) return kwargs