Release process


Run these steps when you begin to create a new release:

  • Double-check that the changelog is up to date.

  • Update requirements in requirements*.txt and setup.cfg (use pip list -o).

  • Check versions of major software dependencies and:

    • Update [django-ca.release] in pyproject.toml with current minor versions.

    • Add a deprecation notice for versions no longer supported upstream.

  • Verify that docker-compose.yml uses up-to-date version of 3rd-party containers.

  • Run devscripts/ and fix any errors.

Test current state

  • Make sure that tox runs through for all environments.

  • Make sure that ./ docker-test runs through.

Test demo

Make sure that the demo works and test the commands from the output ( runserver should obviously be run in a separate shell):

$ ./ clean
$ ./ init-demo
$ python ca/ runserver
$ openssl verify -CAfile...

Test update

Checkout the previous version and create a test data:

$ git checkout $PREVIOUS_VERSION
$ rm -rf ca/db.sqlite3 ca/files
$ python ca/ migrate
$ devscripts/

Then checkout the current main branch, run migrations and validate the test data:

$ git checkout main
$ python ca/ migrate
$ python ca/ makemigrations --check
$ devscripts/

Finally, also make sure that devscripts/ also works for the current version:

$ rm -rf ca/db.sqlite3 ca/files
$ python ca/ migrate
$ devscripts/
$ devscripts/

Test admin interface

  • Check if the output of CAs and certs look okay: http://localhost:8000/admin

  • Check if the profile selection when creating a certificate works.

  • Check if pasting a CSR shows values from the CSR next to the “Subject” field.


Create the docker image:

$ docker system prune -af
$ docker build --progress=plain -t mathiasertl/django-ca .


Do some basic sanity checking of the Docker image:

$ docker run -e DJANGO_CA_SECRET_KEY=dummy --rm \
>     mathiasertl/django-ca manage shell -c \
>     "import django_ca; print(django_ca.__version__)"
$ docker run --rm \
>     -v `pwd`/setup.cfg:/usr/src/django-ca/setup.cfg \
>     -v `pwd`/devscripts/:/usr/src/django-ca/devscripts \
>     -w /usr/src/django-ca/ \
>     mathiasertl/django-ca devscripts/ --all-extras

Finally follow Quickstart with Docker and make sure that everything works:

  • Use localhost instead of as a hostname.

  • You cannot test ACMEv2 this way, as challenge validation would not work.


  • Follow Quickstart with docker-compose to set up a CA (but skip the TLS parts - no CA will issue a certificate for localhost). Don’t forget to add an admin user and set up CAs.

  • Add an updated docker-compose.yml in docs/source/_files/{version}/` and add it to the table in docs/source/quickstart_docker_compose.rst.

  • Use this for your .env file:


After starting the setup, first verify that you’re running the correct version:

$ docker-compose exec backend manage shell -c "import django_ca; print(django_ca.__version__)"
$ docker-compose exec frontend manage shell -c "import django_ca; print(django_ca.__version__)"

Do some basic sanity checking of the setup:

$ docker-compose exec backend manage check --deploy
$ docker-compose exec backend manage makemigrations --check
$ docker-compose exec frontend manage check --deploy
$ docker-compose exec frontend manage makemigrations --check

Verify that the two secret keys match (also serves as checking if settings work properly):

$ docker-compose exec backend manage shell -c "from django.conf import settings; print(settings.SECRET_KEY)"
$ docker-compose exec frontend manage shell -c "from django.conf import settings; print(settings.SECRET_KEY)"

You should now be able to log in at http://localhost/admin. You are able to sign a certificate, but only for the “child” CA.

Now, let’s create a certificate for the root CA. Because it’s only present for Celery, we need to create it using the CLI:

$ cat ca/django_ca/tests/fixtures/root-cert.csr | \
>     docker-compose exec -T backend manage sign_cert --ca=Root \
>        --subject="/"
Please paste the CSR:

Check that the same fails in the frontend container (because the root CA is only available in the backend):

$ cat ca/django_ca/tests/fixtures/root-cert.csr | \
>     docker-compose exec -T frontend manage sign_cert --ca=Root \
>        --subject="/"
manage sign_cert: error: argument --ca: Root: ca/...key: Private key does not exist.

But you can create a certificate for the “Child” CA in the frontend container:

$ cat ca/django_ca/tests/fixtures/child-cert.csr | \
>     docker-compose exec -T frontend manage sign_cert --ca=Intermediate \
>        --subject="/"
Please paste the CSR:

Finally, verify that CRL and OCSP validation works:

$ docker-compose exec backend manage dump_ca Root > root.pem
$ docker-compose exec backend manage dump_cert > cert.pem
$ openssl verify -CAfile root.pem -crl_download -crl_check cert.pem
cert.pem: OK
$ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -text | grep OCSP
      OCSP - URI:http://localhost/django_ca/ocsp/...
$ openssl ocsp -CAfile root.pem -issuer root.pem -cert cert.pem -resp_text \
>     -url http://localhost/django_ca/ocsp/...
Response verify OK
cert.pem: good

Test that a restart works:

$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose exec backend manage list_cas
$ docker-compose exec backend manage list_certs
$ cat ca/django_ca/tests/fixtures/root-cert.csr | \
>     docker-compose exec -T backend manage sign_cert --ca=Root \
>        --subject="/"
$ cat ca/django_ca/tests/fixtures/child-cert.csr | \
>     docker-compose exec -T frontend manage sign_cert --ca=Intermediate \
>        --subject="/"
Please paste the CSR:

… and validate that the admin interface still sees the intermediate CA.

Finally, clean up the test setup:

$ docker-compose down -v

Test update

  • Checkout the previous version on git:

    $ git checkout $PREVIOUS_VERSION
  • Add a basic .env file:

  • Start the old version with:

    $ DJANGO_CA_VERSION=$PREVIOUS_VERSION docker-compose up -d
  • Create test data:

    $ docker cp devscripts/ \
    >   django-ca_backend_1:/usr/src/django-ca/ca/
    $ docker cp devscripts/ \
    >   django-ca_frontend_1:/usr/src/django-ca/ca/
    $ docker-compose exec backend ./ --env backend
    $ docker-compose exec frontend ./ --env frontend
  • Log into the admin interface and create some certificates.

  • Update to the newest version:

    $ git checkout main
    $ DJANGO_CA_VERSION=latest docker-compose up -d
  • Finally, validate that data was correctly migrated:

    $ docker cp devscripts/ \
    >   django-ca_backend_1:/usr/src/django-ca/ca/
    $ docker cp devscripts/ \
    >   django-ca_frontend_1:/usr/src/django-ca/ca/
    $ docker-compose exec backend ./ --env backend
    $ docker-compose exec frontend ./ --env frontend

Test ACMEv2

First, make sure you’re starting from a clean slate:

$ docker-compose down -v

Start the stack again, but this time add a second docker-compose override-file (we use the COMPOSE_FILE environment variable here):

$ export COMPOSE_FILE="docker-compose.yml:ca/django_ca/tests/fixtures/docker-compose.certbot.yaml"
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose exec backend manage createsuperuser
$ docker-compose exec backend manage init_ca --pathlen=1 Root /CN=Root
$ docker-compose exec backend manage init_ca \
>  --acme-enable \
>  --path=ca/shared/ --parent=Root Intermediate /CN=Intermediate

You should be able to view the admin interface at http://localhost/admin. But the additional docker-compose override file adds a certbot container, that you can use to get certificates (note that certbot is already configured to use the local registry):

$ docker-compose exec certbot /bin/bash
root@certbot:~# certbot register
 - Your account credentials have been saved in your Certbot
root@certbot:~# http
+ certbot certonly ...
http-01 challenge for

 - Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:
root@certbot:~# dns
+ certbot certonly ...
dns-01 challenge for
 - Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:

Release process

  • Push the last commit and make sure that GitHub actions and Read The Docs run through.

  • Tag the release: git tag -s $version -m "release $version"

  • Push the tag: git push origin --tags

  • Create a release on GitHub.

  • Create package for PyPi:

    $ ./ clean
    $ python -m build
    $ twine check --strict dist/*
  • Upload package to PyPi: twine upload dist/*

  • Tag and upload the docker image (note that we create a image revision by appending -1):

    $ docker tag mathiasertl/django-ca mathiasertl/django-ca:$version
    $ docker tag mathiasertl/django-ca mathiasertl/django-ca:$version-1
    $ docker push mathiasertl/django-ca:$version-1
    $ docker push mathiasertl/django-ca:$version
    $ docker push mathiasertl/django-ca

After a release

  • Update django_ca/ and remove code marked by such warnings.

  • Search for deprecation comments that could be removed:

    $ grep -A 3 -r 'deprecated:' docs/source/ ca/
  • Drop support for older software versions in the [django-ca.release] section of pyproject.toml.

  • Run devscripts/ and fix any errors.

  • Update docker-compose.yml to use the latest version of django-ca.

  • Start new changelog entry in docs/source/changelog.rst.