django_ca.extensions - X509 extensions

The extension classes provided by django-ca act as convenience classes for handling extensions. They abstract away the complex API of cryptography and have some advanced data handling functions. As a constructor, they always take either a dict or a cryptography extension:

>>> from django_ca.extensions import KeyUsage
>>> KeyUsage({'value': ['keyAgreement', 'keyEncipherment']})
<KeyUsage: ['keyAgreement', 'keyEncipherment'], critical=True>

… but you can also pass an equivalent cryptography extension:

>>> from cryptography import x509
>>> from cryptography.x509.oid import ExtensionOID
>>> KeyUsage(x509.Extension(
...     oid=ExtensionOID.KEY_USAGE, critical=True, value=x509.KeyUsage(
...         key_agreement=True, key_encipherment=True, digital_signature=False, crl_sign=False,
...         content_commitment=False, data_encipherment=False, key_cert_sign=False, encipher_only=False,
...         decipher_only=False)
... ))
<KeyUsage: ['keyAgreement', 'keyEncipherment'], critical=True>

… regardless of how you created the extension, you can modify it at will until you actually use it somewhere:

>>> from django_ca.extensions import KeyUsage
>>> ku = KeyUsage({'value': ['keyAgreement', 'keyEncipherment']})
>>> ku |= ['nonRepudiation']
>>> ku.add('cRLSign')
>>> ku
<KeyUsage: ['cRLSign', 'keyAgreement', 'keyEncipherment', 'nonRepudiation'], critical=True>

You can always convert extensions to valid cryptography extensions:

>>> ku.extension_type  
<KeyUsage(digital_signature=False, ...)>
>>> ku.as_extension()  
<Extension(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=keyUsage)>, critical=True, value=<KeyUsage(...)>)>

Many extensions are modeled after builtin python types and are designed to be handled in a similar way. For example, KeyUsage inherits from OrderedSetExtension, and thus handles like an ordered set:

>>> ku = KeyUsage()
>>> ku |= {'decipherOnly', }
>>> ku |= KeyUsage({'value': ['digitalSignature']})
>>> ku
<KeyUsage: ['decipherOnly', 'digitalSignature'], critical=True>
>>> ku.add('nonRepudiation')
>>> ku.add('nonRepudiation')
>>> ku
<KeyUsage: ['decipherOnly', 'digitalSignature', 'nonRepudiation'], critical=True>

When passing a dictionary, you can always pass a critical value. If omitted, the default value is determined by the default_critical flag, which matches common X.509 usage for each extension:

>>> KeyUsage()
<KeyUsage: [], critical=True>
>>> KeyUsage({'critical': False})
<KeyUsage: [], critical=False>

You can always serialize an extension to its dict representation and later restore it (e.g. after sending it over the network):

>>> ku = KeyUsage({'value': ['keyAgreement', 'keyEncipherment']})
>>> ku == KeyUsage(ku.serialize())

Extension classes

Extension classes wrapping various X.509 extensions.

The classes in this module wrap cryptography extensions, but allow adding/removing values, creating extensions in a more pythonic manner and provide access functions.

class django_ca.extensions.AuthorityInformationAccess(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.Extension[cryptography.x509.extensions.AuthorityInformationAccess, django_ca.typehints.ParsableAuthorityInformationAccess, django_ca.typehints.SerializedAuthorityInformationAccess]

Class representing a AuthorityInformationAccess extension.

The value passed to this extension should be a dict with an ocsp and issuers key, both are optional:

>>> AuthorityInformationAccess({'value': {
...     'ocsp': [''],
...     'issuers': [''],
... }})  
<AuthorityInformationAccess: issuers=['URI:'],
ocsp=['URI:'], critical=False>

You can set/get the OCSP/issuers at runtime and dynamically use either strings or GeneralName as values:

>>> aia = AuthorityInformationAccess()
>>> aia.issuers = ['']
>>> aia.ocsp = [x509.UniformResourceIdentifier('')]
>>> aia  
<AuthorityInformationAccess: issuers=['URI:'],
ocsp=['URI:'], critical=False>
property issuers

Issuers named by this extension.

key = 'authority_information_access'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

property ocsp

OCSP endpoints described by this extension.

class django_ca.extensions.AuthorityKeyIdentifier(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.Extension[cryptography.x509.extensions.AuthorityKeyIdentifier, Union[str, bytes, django_ca.typehints.ParsableAuthorityKeyIdentifierDict], django_ca.typehints.SerializedAuthorityKeyIdentifier]

Class representing a AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension.

This extension identifies the signing CA, so it is not usually defined in a profile or instantiated by a user. This extension will automatically be added by django-ca. If it is, the value must be a str or bytes:

>>> AuthorityKeyIdentifier({'value': '33:33:33:33:33:33'})
<AuthorityKeyIdentifier: keyid: 33:33:33:33:33:33, critical=False>
>>> AuthorityKeyIdentifier({'value': b'333333'})
<AuthorityKeyIdentifier: keyid: 33:33:33:33:33:33, critical=False>

If you want to set an authorityCertIssuer and authorityCertIssuer, you can also pass a dict instead:

>>> AuthorityKeyIdentifier({'value': {
...     'key_identifier': b'0',
...     'authority_cert_issuer': [''],
...     'authority_cert_serial_number': 1,
... }})
<AuthorityKeyIdentifier: keyid: 30, issuer: [''], serial: 1, critical=False>

Create an extension based on SubjectKeyIdentifier extension.

key = 'authority_key_identifier'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.


Parse the given key id (may be None).

class django_ca.extensions.BasicConstraints(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.Extension[cryptography.x509.extensions.BasicConstraints, django_ca.typehints.ParsableBasicConstraints, django_ca.typehints.SerializedBasicConstraints]

Class representing a BasicConstraints extension.

This class has the boolean attributes ca and the attribute pathlen, which is either None or an int. Note that this extension is marked as critical by default if you pass a dict to the constructor:

>>> bc = BasicConstraints({'value': {'ca': True, 'pathlen': 4}})
>>> (, bc.pathlen, bc.critical)
(True, 4, True)
default_critical = True

This extension is marked as critical by default.

key = 'basic_constraints'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.


Parse value as path length (either an int, a str of an int or None).

class django_ca.extensions.CRLDistributionPoints(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.CRLDistributionPointsBase[cryptography.x509.extensions.CRLDistributionPoints]

Class representing a CRLDistributionPoints extension.

This extension identifies where a client can retrieve a Certificate Revocation List (CRL).

The value passed to this extension should be a list of DistributionPoint instances. Naturally, you can also pass those in serialized form:

>>> CRLDistributionPoints({'value': [
...     {'full_name': ['']}
... ]})  
<CRLDistributionPoints: [<DistributionPoint: full_name=['URI:']>],
key = 'crl_distribution_points'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

class django_ca.extensions.CertificatePolicies(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.ListExtension[cryptography.x509.extensions.CertificatePolicies, Union[django_ca.extensions.utils.PolicyInformation, django_ca.typehints.ParsablePolicyInformation], django_ca.typehints.SerializedPolicyInformation, django_ca.extensions.utils.PolicyInformation]

Class representing a Certificate Policies extension.

The value passed to this extension should be a list of PolicyInformation instances. Naturally, you can also pass those in serialized form:

>>> CertificatePolicies({'value': [{
...     'policy_identifier': '',
...     'policy_qualifier': ['policy1'],
... }]})
<CertificatePolicies: 1 policy, critical=False>
key = 'certificate_policies'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

class django_ca.extensions.ExtendedKeyUsage(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.OrderedSetExtension[cryptography.x509.extensions.ExtendedKeyUsage, Union[cryptography.x509.ObjectIdentifier, str], str, cryptography.x509.ObjectIdentifier]

Class representing a ExtendedKeyUsage extension.

KNOWN_PARAMETERS = ['OCSPSigning', 'anyExtendedKeyUsage', 'clientAuth', 'codeSigning', 'emailProtection', 'ipsecEndSystem', 'ipsecIKE', 'ipsecTunnel', 'ipsecUser', 'mdlDS', 'mdlJWS', 'msKDC', 'serverAuth', 'smartcardLogon', 'timeStamping']

Known values that can be passed to this extension.

key = 'extended_key_usage'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

class django_ca.extensions.Extension(value=None)[source]

Bases: Generic[django_ca.typehints.ExtensionTypeTypeVar, django_ca.typehints.ParsableValue, django_ca.typehints.SerializedValue]

Convenience class to handle X509 Extensions.

The value is a dict as used by the CA_PROFILES setting:

>>> KeyUsage({'value': ['keyAgreement', 'keyEncipherment']})
<KeyUsage: ['keyAgreement', 'keyEncipherment'], critical=True>
>>> KeyUsage({'critical': False, 'value': ['key_agreement', 'key_encipherment']})
<KeyUsage: ['keyAgreement', 'keyEncipherment'], critical=False>

… but can also use a subclass of ExtensionType from cryptography:

>>> from cryptography import x509
>>> cg_ext = x509.extensions.Extension(
...    oid=ExtensionOID.EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE,
...    critical=False,
...    value=x509.ExtendedKeyUsage([ExtendedKeyUsageOID.SERVER_AUTH])
... )
>>> ExtendedKeyUsage(cg_ext)
<ExtendedKeyUsage: ['serverAuth'], critical=False>
>>> ExtendedKeyUsage({'value': ['serverAuth']})
<ExtendedKeyUsage: ['serverAuth'], critical=False>

Changed in version 1.18.0: This class is now an abstract base class.

valuelist or tuple or dict or str or ExtensionType

The value of the extension, the description provides further details.


A human readable name of this extension


Raw value for this extension. The type various from subclass to subclass.


If this extension is marked as critical


The OID for this extension.


The key is a reusable ID used in various parts of the application.


The default critical value if you pass a dict without the "critical" key.


This extension as Extension.


Human-readable version of the value, not including the “critical” flag.

abstract property extension_type

The ExtensionType instance of this extension.

Implementing classes are expected to implement this function.


Return a tuple suitable for a CertificateBuilder.


>>> ext = KeyUsage({'value': ['keyAgreement', 'keyEncipherment']})
>>> builder = x509.CertificateBuilder()
>>> builder.add_extension(*ext.for_builder())  
<cryptography.x509.base.CertificateBuilder object at ...>
abstract from_dict(value)[source]

Load class from a dictionary.

Implementing classes are expected to implement this function.

abstract from_extension(value)[source]

Load a wrapper class from a cryptography extension instance.

Implementing classes are expected to implement this function.


Load class from any other value type.

This class can be overwritten to allow loading classes from different types.


Return the current extension value in hashable form.

This function is used for the default implementations for hash() and the == equality operator.

abstract repr_value()[source]

String representation of the current value for this extension.

Implementing classes are expected to implement this function.


Serialize this extension to a string in a way that it can be passed to a constructor again.

For example, this should always be True:

>>> ku = KeyUsage({'value': ['keyAgreement', 'keyEncipherment']})
>>> ku == KeyUsage(ku.serialize())
abstract serialize_value()[source]

Serialize the value for this extension.

Implementing classes are expected to implement this function.

class django_ca.extensions.FreshestCRL(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.CRLDistributionPointsBase[cryptography.x509.extensions.FreshestCRL]

Class representing a FreshestCRL extension.

This extension handles identically to the CRLDistributionPoints extension:

>>> FreshestCRL({'value': [
...     {'full_name': ['']}
... ]})  
<FreshestCRL: [<DistributionPoint: full_name=['URI:']>],
key = 'freshest_crl'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

class django_ca.extensions.InhibitAnyPolicy(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.Extension[cryptography.x509.extensions.InhibitAnyPolicy, int, int]

Class representing a InhibitAnyPolicy extension.


>>> InhibitAnyPolicy({'value': 1})  # normal value dict is supported
<InhibitAnyPolicy: 1, critical=True>
>>> ext = InhibitAnyPolicy(3)  # a simple int is also okay
>>> ext
<InhibitAnyPolicy: 3, critical=True>
>>> ext.skip_certs = 5
>>> ext.skip_certs
default_critical = True

This extension is marked as critical by default (RFC 5280 requires this extension to be marked as critical).

key = 'inhibit_any_policy'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

class django_ca.extensions.IssuerAlternativeName(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.AlternativeNameExtension[cryptography.x509.extensions.IssuerAlternativeName]

Class representing an Issuer Alternative Name extension.

This extension is usually marked as non-critical.

>>> IssuerAlternativeName({'value': ['']})
<IssuerAlternativeName: ['URI:'], critical=False>
key = 'issuer_alternative_name'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

class django_ca.extensions.KeyUsage(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.OrderedSetExtension[cryptography.x509.extensions.KeyUsage, str, str, str]

Class representing a KeyUsage extension, which defines the purpose of a certificate.

This extension is usually marked as critical and RFC 5280 defines that conforming CAs SHOULD mark it as critical. The value keyAgreement is always added if encipherOnly or decipherOnly is present, since the value of this extension is not meaningful otherwise.

>>> KeyUsage({'value': ['encipherOnly'], 'critical': True})
<KeyUsage: ['encipherOnly', 'keyAgreement'], critical=True>
>>> KeyUsage({'value': ['decipherOnly'], 'critical': True})
<KeyUsage: ['decipherOnly', 'keyAgreement'], critical=True>
KNOWN_PARAMETERS = ['cRLSign', 'dataEncipherment', 'decipherOnly', 'digitalSignature', 'encipherOnly', 'keyAgreement', 'keyCertSign', 'keyEncipherment', 'nonRepudiation']

Known values that can be passed to this extension.

default_critical = True

This extension is marked as critical by default.

key = 'key_usage'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

class django_ca.extensions.NameConstraints(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.Extension[cryptography.x509.extensions.NameConstraints, django_ca.typehints.ParsableNameConstraints, django_ca.typehints.SerializedNameConstraints]

Class representing a NameConstraints extension.

Unlike most other extensions, this extension does not accept a string as value, but you can pass a list containing the permitted/excluded subtrees as lists. Similar to SubjectAlternativeName, you can pass both strings or instances of GeneralName:

>>> NameConstraints({'value': {
...     'permitted': ['', ''],
...     'excluded': [x509.DNSName('.net')]
... }})
<NameConstraints: permitted=['', ''], excluded=[''], critical=True>

We also have permitted/excluded getters/setters to easily configure this extension:

>>> nc = NameConstraints()
>>> nc.permitted = ['']
>>> nc.excluded = ['']
>>> nc
<NameConstraints: permitted=[''], excluded=[''], critical=True>
>>> nc.permitted, nc.excluded
(<GeneralNameList: ['']>, <GeneralNameList: ['']>)
default_critical = True

This extension is marked as critical by default.

property excluded

The excluded value of this instance.


The excluded value of this instance.


The permitted value of this instance.

key = 'name_constraints'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

property permitted

The permitted value of this instance.


Set he excluded value of this instance.


Set the permitted value of this instance.

class django_ca.extensions.OCSPNoCheck(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.NullExtension[cryptography.x509.extensions.OCSPNoCheck]

Extension to indicate that an OCSP client should (blindly) trust the certificate for it’s lifetime.

As a NullExtension, any value is ignored and you can pass a simple empty dict (or nothing at all) to the extension:

>>> OCSPNoCheck()
<OCSPNoCheck: critical=False>
>>> OCSPNoCheck({'critical': True})  # unlike PrecertPoison, you can still mark it as critical
<OCSPNoCheck: critical=True>

This extension is only meaningful in an OCSP responder certificate.

key = 'ocsp_no_check'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

class django_ca.extensions.PolicyConstraints(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.Extension[cryptography.x509.extensions.PolicyConstraints, django_ca.typehints.ParsablePolicyConstraints, django_ca.typehints.SerializedPolicyConstraints]

Class representing a PolicyConstraints extension.


>>> ext = PolicyConstraints({'value': {'require_explicit_policy': 1, 'inhibit_policy_mapping': 2}})
>>> ext
<PolicyConstraints: inhibit_policy_mapping=2, require_explicit_policy=1, critical=True>
>>> ext.require_explicit_policy
>>> ext.inhibit_policy_mapping = 5
>>> ext.inhibit_policy_mapping
default_critical = True

This extension is marked as critical by default (RFC 5280 requires this).

key = 'policy_constraints'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

class django_ca.extensions.PrecertPoison(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.NullExtension[cryptography.x509.extensions.PrecertPoison]

Extension to indicate that the certificate is a submission to a certificate transparency log.

Note that creating this extension will raise ValueError if it is not marked as critical:

>>> PrecertPoison()
<PrecertPoison: critical=True>
>>> PrecertPoison({'critical': False})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: PrecertPoison must always be marked as critical
default_critical = True

This extension is marked as critical by default.

key = 'precert_poison'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

class django_ca.extensions.PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestamps(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.SignedCertificateTimestampsBase[cryptography.x509.extensions.PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestamps]

Class representing signed certificate timestamps in a Precertificate.

This extension is included in certificates sent to a certificate transparency log.

This class cannot be instantiated by anything but cryptography.x509.PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestamps. Please see SignedCertificateTimestampsBase for more information.

key = 'precertificate_signed_certificate_timestamps'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

class django_ca.extensions.SubjectAlternativeName(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.AlternativeNameExtension[cryptography.x509.extensions.SubjectAlternativeName]

Class representing an Subject Alternative Name extension.

This extension is usually marked as non-critical.

>>> SubjectAlternativeName({'value': ['']})
<SubjectAlternativeName: [''], critical=False>

Get a value suitable for use as CommonName in a subject, or None if no such value is found.

This function returns a string representation of the first value that is not a DirectoryName, RegisteredID or OtherName.

key = 'subject_alternative_name'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

class django_ca.extensions.SubjectKeyIdentifier(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.Extension[cryptography.x509.extensions.SubjectKeyIdentifier, Union[str, bytes, cryptography.x509.extensions.SubjectKeyIdentifier], str]

Class representing a SubjectKeyIdentifier extension.

This extension identifies the certificate, so it is not usually defined in a profile or instantiated by a user. This extension will automatically be added by django-ca. If you ever handle this extension directly, the value must be a str or bytes:

>>> SubjectKeyIdentifier({'value': '33:33:33:33:33:33'})
<SubjectKeyIdentifier: b'333333', critical=False>
>>> SubjectKeyIdentifier({'value': b'333333'})
<SubjectKeyIdentifier: b'333333', critical=False>
key = 'subject_key_identifier'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

class django_ca.extensions.TLSFeature(value=None)[source]

Bases: django_ca.extensions.base.OrderedSetExtension[cryptography.x509.extensions.TLSFeature, Union[cryptography.x509.extensions.TLSFeatureType, str], str, cryptography.x509.extensions.TLSFeatureType]

Class representing a TLSFeature extension.

As a OrderedSetExtension, this extension handles much like it’s other sister extensions:

>>> TLSFeature({'value': ['OCSPMustStaple']})
<TLSFeature: ['OCSPMustStaple'], critical=False>
>>> tf = TLSFeature({'value': ['OCSPMustStaple']})
>>> tf.add('MultipleCertStatusRequest')
>>> tf
<TLSFeature: ['MultipleCertStatusRequest', 'OCSPMustStaple'], critical=False>
KNOWN_PARAMETERS = ['MultipleCertStatusRequest', 'OCSPMustStaple']

Known values that can be passed to this extension.

key = 'tls_feature'

Key used in CA_PROFILES.

Helper functions/classes

In addition to extension classes, there are a few helper functions to ease handling of extensions:


Function to get the name of an extension from the extensions OID.

>>> get_extension_name(ExtensionOID.BASIC_CONSTRAINTS)
extensions.KEY_TO_EXTENSION {'basic_constraints': <class 'django_ca.extensions.BasicConstraints'>, ...}

A dictionary mapping of a unique key to an extension class:

>>> KEY_TO_EXTENSION['authority_information_access'].__name__
extensions.OID_TO_EXTENSION {<ObjectIdentifier(oid=...): <class 'django_ca.extensions...>, ...}

A dictionary mapping of OIDs to extension classes:

>>> from cryptography.x509.oid import ExtensionOID


django_ca.extensions.utils contains various utility classes used by X.509 extensions.

class django_ca.extensions.utils.DistributionPoint(data=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a Distribution Point.

This class is used internally by extensions that have a list of Distribution Points, e.g. the : CRLDistributionPoints extension. The class accepts either a cryptography.x509.DistributionPoint or a dict. Note that in the latter case, you can also pass a list of str as full_name or crl_issuer:

>>> DistributionPoint(x509.DistributionPoint(
...     full_name=[x509.UniformResourceIdentifier('')],
...     relative_name=None, crl_issuer=None, reasons=None
... ))
<DistributionPoint: full_name=['URI:']>
>>> DistributionPoint({'full_name': ['']})
<DistributionPoint: full_name=['URI:']>
>>> DistributionPoint({'full_name': ['']})
<DistributionPoint: full_name=['URI:']>
>>> DistributionPoint({
...     'relative_name': '/',
...     'crl_issuer': [''],
...     'reasons': ['key_compromise', 'ca_compromise'],
... })  
<DistributionPoint: relative_name='/', crl_issuer=['URI:'],
                    reasons=['ca_compromise', 'key_compromise']>
property for_extension_type

Convert instance to a suitable cryptography class.


Serialize this distribution point.

class django_ca.extensions.utils.ExtendedKeyUsageOID[source]

Bases: cryptography.hazmat._oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID

Extend the OIDs known to cryptography with what users needed over the years.

class django_ca.extensions.utils.PolicyInformation(data=None)[source]

Bases: MutableSequence[Union[str, cryptography.x509.UserNotice]]

Class representing a PolicyInformation object.

This class is internally used by the CertificatePolicies extension.

You can pass a PolicyInformation instance or a dictionary representing that instance:

>>> PolicyInformation({'policy_identifier': '', 'policy_qualifiers': ['text1']})
<PolicyInformation(oid=, qualifiers=['text1'])>
>>> PolicyInformation({
...     'policy_identifier': '',
...     'policy_qualifiers': [{'explicit_text': 'text2', }],
... })
<PolicyInformation(oid=, qualifiers=[{'explicit_text': 'text2'}])>
>>> PolicyInformation({
...     'policy_identifier': '2.5',
...     'policy_qualifiers': [{
...         'notice_reference': {
...             'organization': 't3',
...             'notice_numbers': [1, ],
...         }
...     }],
... })  
<PolicyInformation(oid=2.5, qualifiers=[{'notice_reference': {...}}])>

Append the given policy qualifier.


Clear all qualifiers from this information.


Count qualifiers from this information.


Extend qualifiers with given iterable.

property for_extension_type

Convert instance to a suitable cryptography class.


Property for the policy identifier.

Note that you can set any parsable value, it will always be an object identifier:

>>> pi = PolicyInformation()
>>> pi.policy_identifier = '1.2.3'
>>> pi.policy_identifier
<ObjectIdentifier(oid=1.2.3, name=Unknown OID)>
insert(index, value)[source]

Insert qualifier at given index.


Parse given list of policy qualifiers.

property policy_identifier

Property for the policy identifier.

Note that you can set any parsable value, it will always be an object identifier:

>>> pi = PolicyInformation()
>>> pi.policy_identifier = '1.2.3'
>>> pi.policy_identifier
<ObjectIdentifier(oid=1.2.3, name=Unknown OID)>
pop(index=- 1)[source]

Pop qualifier from given index.


Remove the given qualifier from this policy information.

Note that unlike list.remove(), this value returns the parsed value.


Serialize this policy information.


Serialize policy qualifiers.


Convert an extension to HTML code suitable for the admin interface.


Return the given extension value as human-readable text.


Get a list of basic key usages.


Get values from a SignedCertificateTimestamp as a tuple of strings.