
Since 1.0.0, this project updates like any other project. First, update the source code, if you use git:

git pull origin master

or if you installed django-ca via pip:

pip install -U django-ca

then upgrade with these commands:

pip install -U -r requirements.txt
python ca/manage.py migrate

# if you use the webinterface
python ca/manage.py collectstatic


If you installed django-ca in a virtualenv, don’t forget to activate it before executing any python or pip commands using:

source bin/activate

Update to 1.14.0 or later

django-ca has changed the layout of the CA_PROFILES, you have to update any any custom setting according to the migration instructions.

The old profile settings will be supported until (and including) version 1.16.

Update to 1.12.0 or later


The migrate_ca command has been removed in django-ca 1.15.0. If you update to version 1.15.0 or later, you first have to upgrade to 1.14.0 and run manage.py migrate_ca.

Version 1.12.0 and later uses the File storage API to store files. Before 1.12.0, django-ca stored absolute file paths in the database.

If you also want to switch to a different storage system (e.g. from django-storages), switch to relative paths everywhere first, then migrate to the new storage system by configuring CA_FILE_STORAGE and copying all files to the new location.

The old way of accessing files works until (and including) version 1.14.

Migrate CAs

In most cases, you will be able to migrate using a simple manage.py command:

$ python manage.py migrate_ca
<serial>: Updating <old path> to <new path>.

If you have stored some private keys outside of the filesystem, you will need to force them being moved into the directory configured by CA_DIR:

$ python manage.py migrate_ca
<serial>: <old path> is not in a subdir of <CA dir>. Use --force to move files.
$ python manage.py migrate_ca --force
<serial>: Move <old path> to <CA dir>.

Note that this command can safely be executed multiple times if some migrations didn’t work (e.g. because of missing permissions) the first time.

Migrate OCSP responder

If you have configured a manual OCSP responder, you have to move the files into the directory referenced by CA_DIR (if they’re not there already) and update responder_key and responder_cert to a relative path.

You can test your configuration change invoking python manage.py shell and running:

>>> import os
>>> from django_ca import ca_settings
>>> from django_ca.utils import read_file
>>> ca_settings.CA_DIR
>>> responder_key = 'responder/responder.key'  # this the same as "responder_key" in your OCSP view
>>> absolute_path = os.path.join(ca_settings.CA_DIR, responder_key)
>>> os.path.exists(absolute_path)  # test that <CA_DIR>/<responder_key> exists
>>> read_file(responder_key)

Update from 1.0.0b2

If you’re updating from a version earlier then 1.0.0 (which was the first real release), you have to first update to 1.0.0.b1 (see below), then to 1.0.0.b2, apply all migrations and reset existing migrations Since all installed instances were probably private, it made sense to start with a clean state.

To update from an earlier git-checkout, to:

  • Upgrade to version 1.0.0b2

  • Apply all migrations.

  • Upgrade to version 1.0.0

  • Remove old migrations from the database:

    python manage.py dbshell
    > DELETE FROM django_migrations WHERE app='django_ca';
  • Fake the first migration:

    python manage.py migrate django_ca 0001 –fake

Update from pre 1.0.0b1

Prior to 1.0.0, this app was not intended to be reusable and so had a generic name. The app was renamed to django_ca, so it can be used in other Django projects (or hopefully stand-alone, someday). Essentially, the upgrade path should work something like this:

# backup old data:
python manage.py dumpdata certificate --indent=4 > certs.json

# update source code
git pull origin master

# create initial models in the new app, but only the initial version!
python manage.py migrate django_ca 0001

# update JSON with new model name
sed 's/"certificate.certificate"/"django_ca.certificate"/' > certs-updated.json

# load data
python manage.py loaddata certs-updated.json

# apply any other migrations
python manage.py migrate