
Please also see Development for how to setup a development environment.

To contribute to django-ca simply do a fork on on github and submit a pull request when you’re happy.

When doing a pull request, please make sure to explain what your improvement does or what bug is fixed by it and how to reproduce this locally.

Code quality

This project is very rigorous about code quality standards. That means that the source code is checked with Flake8 and import order is checked with isort. Before you submit a pull request, please make sure that all tests pass by executing:

python code-quality

Naturally, I also expect the test suite to still pass. Please make sure you test in at least your local Python2 and Python3 environments:

python test

Write tests

Please write tests for any new functionality. If you provide a bugfix, write a test that tests the fix, which means that the test should fail on current master and pass on your pull request.

If a function is also covered with doctests, please consider adding an example there as well, if it affects handling a parameter or something.

Code coverage

Generate a coverage report and make sure that your code is covered by tests:

python coverage


Code coverage is not a catch all tool for “yes, this code is well-tested”. It’s a tool to catch missed spots, but you must still think for yourself about what and how to test.

Exclude code

The test suite fails if the code coverage is not 100%. But sometimes code is specific to a particular Python/Django/cryptography version and the code just never executed when using a different version.

You can exclude code that is just for Python2 or Python3 using comments:

import six

if six.PY3:  # pragma: only py3
   print('will only be executed on Python 3!')
else:  # pragma: only py2
   print('will only be executed on Python 2!')

More fine grained pragmas for Python, Django and cryptography versions are also available:

if hasattr(ExtensionOID, 'PRECERT_POISON'):  # pragma: cryptography>=2.7
   print('PrecertPoison extension was added in cryptography 2.7')
else:  # pragma: cryptography<2.7
   print('sorry, no precert poison!')

Sometimes you have code to check for the availability of a feature, but there is no “else” branch in case the feature doesn’t exist. In this case you want to exclude the code if the feature is not available, but want to mark it as no branch if the feature is availalable. For example, the source attribute was added to warning messages in Python 3.6:

if hasattr(msg, 'source'):  # pragma: no branch, pragma: only py>=3.6
   self.assertEqual(data.get('source'), msg.source)

if hasattr(msg, 'source'):  # pragma: no branch, pragma: only py>3.5
   print('equivalent to the above.')