django_ca.utils - utility functions

Reusable utility functions used throughout django-ca.

django_ca.utils.GENERAL_NAME_RE = re.compile('^(email|URI|IP|DNS|RID|dirName|otherName):(.*)', re.IGNORECASE)

Regular expression to match general names.

django_ca.utils.SERIAL_RE = re.compile('^([0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:?)+[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]?$')

Regular expression matching certificate serials as hex

django_ca.utils.add_colons(value: str, pad: str = '0') str[source]

Add colons after every second digit.

This function is used in functions to prettify serials.

>>> add_colons('teststring')

The string to add colons to

padstr, optional

If not an empty string, pad the string so that the last element always has two characters. The default is "0".

django_ca.utils.bytes_to_hex(value: bytes) str[source]

Convert a bytes array to hex.

>>> bytes_to_hex(b'test')
django_ca.utils.check_name(name: Name) Name[source]

Check if name is a valid x509 Name.

This method raises ValueError if the CommonName contains an empty value or if any attribute not in MULTIPLE_OIDS occurs multiple times.

The method returns the name unchanged for convenience.

django_ca.utils.file_exists(path: str) bool[source]

Test if a file with the given path exists.

django_ca.utils.format_general_name(name: GeneralName) str[source]

Format a single general name.

>>> import ipaddress
>>> format_general_name(x509.DNSName(''))
>>> format_general_name(x509.IPAddress(ipaddress.IPv4Address('')))
django_ca.utils.format_name_rfc4514(subject: Name | RelativeDistinguishedName) str[source]

Format the given (relative distinguished) name as RFC4514 compatible string.

This function deviates from RFC 4514 by displaying the name attributes as they appear in the certificate, and not in reverse order (which is not used anywhere else). It also adds OID name mappings from NAME_OID_NAMES to the output string.

>>> format_name_rfc4514(
...     x509.Name(
...         [
...             x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME, "AT"),
...             x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, ""),
...             x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.EMAIL_ADDRESS, ""),
...         ]
...     )
... )
django_ca.utils.format_other_name(other_name: OtherName) str[source]

Format a OtherName to a string.

django_ca.utils.generate_private_key(key_size: int | None, key_type: Literal['DSA'], elliptic_curve: EllipticCurve | None) DSAPrivateKey[source]
django_ca.utils.generate_private_key(key_size: int | None, key_type: Literal['RSA'], elliptic_curve: EllipticCurve | None) RSAPrivateKey
django_ca.utils.generate_private_key(key_size: int | None, key_type: Literal['EC'], elliptic_curve: EllipticCurve | None) EllipticCurvePrivateKey
django_ca.utils.generate_private_key(key_size: int | None, key_type: Literal['Ed25519'], elliptic_curve: EllipticCurve | None) Ed25519PrivateKey
django_ca.utils.generate_private_key(key_size: int | None, key_type: Literal['Ed448'], elliptic_curve: EllipticCurve | None) Ed448PrivateKey

Generate a private key.

This function assumes that you called validate_private_key_parameters() on the input values and does not do any sanity checks on its own.


The size of the private key. The value is ignored if key_type is not "DSA" or "RSA".

key_type{‘RSA’, ‘DSA’, ‘EC’, ‘Ed25519’, ‘Ed448’}

The type of the private key.


An elliptic curve to use for EC keys. This parameter is ignored if key_type is not "EC". Defaults to the CA_DEFAULT_ELLIPTIC_CURVE.


A private key of the appropriate type.

django_ca.utils.get_cert_builder(expires: datetime, serial: int | None = None) CertificateBuilder[source]

Get a basic X.509 certificate builder object.


When this certificate is supposed to expire, as a timezone-aware datetime object.

serialint, optional

Serial for the certificate. If not passed, a serial will be randomly generated using random_serial_number().

django_ca.utils.get_crl_cache_key(serial: str, encoding: Encoding = Encoding.DER, scope: str | None = None) str[source]

Get the cache key for a CRL with the given parameters.

django_ca.utils.get_storage() Storage[source]

Get the django-ca storage class.

django_ca.utils.hex_to_bytes(value: str) bytes[source]

Convert a hex number to bytes.

This should be the inverse of bytes_to_hex().

>>> hex_to_bytes('74:65:73:74')
django_ca.utils.int_to_hex(i: int) str[source]

Create a hex-representation of the given serial.

>>> int_to_hex(12345678)
django_ca.utils.merge_x509_names(base: Name, update: Name) Name[source]

Merge two x509.Name instances.

This function will return a new x509.Name based on base, with the attributes from update added. If an attribute type occurs in both names, the one from update take precedence.

The resulting name will be sorted based on CA_DEFAULT_NAME_ORDER, regardless of order of base or update.


>>> base = x509.Name([
...     x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME, "AT"),
...     x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME, "Example Org"),
...     x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME, "Example Org Unit"),
... ])
>>> update = x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, '')])
>>> merge_x509_names(base, update)
<Name(C=AT,O=Example Org,OU=Example Org Unit,>
django_ca.utils.name_for_display(name: Name | RelativeDistinguishedName) list[tuple[str, str]][source]

Convert a Name or RelativeDistinguishedName into a list of key/value pairs for display.

This function is used as a helper function to loop over the elements of a name to prepare them for consistent display.

The function converts the OID into a readable string (e.g. “commonName (CN)”) with any unknown OIDs converted to a dotted string. If the value is not a string, it is converted to a hex string.

>>> name_for_display(x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, '')]))
[('commonName (CN)', '')]
django_ca.utils.parse_encoding(value: str | Encoding | None = None) Encoding[source]

Parse a value to a valid encoding.

This function accepts either a member of Encoding or a string describing a member. If no value is passed, it will assume PEM as a default value. Note that "ASN1" is treated as an alias for "DER".

>>> parse_encoding()
<Encoding.PEM: 'PEM'>
>>> parse_encoding('DER')
<Encoding.DER: 'DER'>
>>> parse_encoding(Encoding.PEM)
<Encoding.PEM: 'PEM'>
django_ca.utils.parse_expires(expires: int | datetime | timedelta | None = None) datetime[source]

Parse a value specifying an expiry into a concrete datetime.

This function always returns a timezone-aware datetime object with UTC as a timezone.

django_ca.utils.parse_general_name(name: GeneralName | str) GeneralName[source]

Parse a general name from user input.

This function will do its best to detect the intended type of any value passed to it:

>>> parse_general_name("")
>>> parse_general_name("*")
>>> parse_general_name("")  # Syntax used e.g. for NameConstraints: All levels of subdomains
>>> parse_general_name("")
>>> parse_general_name("")
>>> parse_general_name("")
>>> parse_general_name("fd00::1")

The default fallback is to assume a DNSName. If this doesn’t work, an exception will be raised:

>>> parse_general_name("`*123")  
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Invalid domain:`*123: ...

If you want to override detection, you can prefix the name to match GENERAL_NAME_RE:

>>> parse_general_name("")
>>> parse_general_name("URI:")
>>> parse_general_name("")

Some more exotic values can only be generated by using this prefix:

>>> parse_general_name("rid:")
<RegisteredID(value=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>)>
>>> parse_general_name("otherName:;")
<OtherName(type_id=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value=b'\x0c\')>

If you give a prefixed value, this function is less forgiving of any typos and does not catch any exceptions:

>>> parse_general_name("email:foo@bar com")  
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Invalid domain: bar com: ...
django_ca.utils.parse_key_curve(value: str) EllipticCurve[source]

Parse a string an EllipticCurve instance.

This function is intended to parse user input, so it ignores case.

Example usage:

>>> parse_key_curve('SECP256R1')  
< object at ...>
>>> parse_key_curve('SECP384R1')  
< object at ...>
>>> parse_key_curve('secp384r1')  
< object at ...>

The name of the curve (case-insensitive).


An EllipticCurve instance.


If the named curve is not supported.

django_ca.utils.parse_name_rfc4514(value: str) Name[source]

Parse an RFC 4514 formatted string into a Name.

This function is intended to be the inverse of format_name_rfc4514(), and will also parse the name in the order as given in the string and understands the same OID mappings.

>>> parse_name_rfc4514("")
>>> parse_name_rfc4514("C=AT,O=MyOrg,OU=MyOrgUnit,")
django_ca.utils.parse_name_x509(name: str | Iterable[tuple[str, str]]) tuple[NameAttribute, ...][source]

Parses a subject string as used in OpenSSLs command line utilities.

Changed in version 1.20.0: This function no longer returns the subject in pseudo-sorted order.

The name is expected to be close to the subject format commonly used by OpenSSL, for example /C=AT/L=Vienna/ The function does its best to be lenient on deviations from the format, object identifiers are case-insensitive, whitespace at the start and end is stripped and the subject does not have to start with a slash (/).

>>> parse_name_x509([("CN", "")])
(<NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value='')>,)
>>> parse_name_x509(
...     [("c", "AT"), ("l", "Vienna"), ("o", "quoting/works"), ("CN", "")]
... )  
(<NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=countryName)>, value='AT')>,
 <NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=localityName)>, value='Vienna')>,
 <NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=organizationName)>, value='quoting/works')>,
 <NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value='')>)
django_ca.utils.parse_other_name(name: str) OtherName[source]

Parse a formatted OtherName instance.

django_ca.utils.parse_serialized_name_attributes(name: list[SerializedObjectIdentifier]) list[NameAttribute][source]

Parse a serialized list of name attributes into a list of NameAttributes.

This function takes care of parsing hex-encoded byte values name attributes that are known to use bytes (currently only NameOID.X500_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER).

>>> parse_serialized_name_attributes([{"oid": "", "value": ""}])
[<NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value='')>]

This function is more or less the inverse of serialize_name(), except that it returns a list of NameAttribute instances (serialize_name() takes a Name or RelativeDistinguishedName) and byte-values for unknown OIDs will not be correctly parsed.

django_ca.utils.read_file(path: str) bytes[source]

Read the file from the given path.

django_ca.utils.sanitize_serial(value: str) str[source]

Sanitize a serial provided by user/untrusted input.

This function is intended to be used to get a serial as used internally by django-ca from untrusted user input. Internally, serials are stored in upper case and without : and leading zeros, but user output adds at least :.


>>> sanitize_serial('01:aB')
django_ca.utils.serialize_name(name: Name | RelativeDistinguishedName) list[SerializedObjectIdentifier][source]

Serialize a Name.

The value also accepts a RelativeDistinguishedName.

The returned value is a list of tuples, each consisting of two strings. If an attribute contains bytes, it is converted using bytes_to_hex().


>>> serialize_name(x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, '')]))
[{'oid': '', 'value': ''}]
>>> serialize_name(x509.RelativeDistinguishedName([
...     x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME, 'AT'),
...     x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, ''),
... ]))
[{'oid': '', 'value': 'AT'}, {'oid': '', 'value': ''}]
django_ca.utils.split_str(val: str, sep: str) Iterator[str][source]

Split a character on the given set of characters.


>>> list(split_str('foo,bar', ', '))
['foo', 'bar']
>>> list(split_str('foo\\,bar1', ','))  # escape a separator
>>> list(split_str('foo,"bar,bla"', ','))  # do not split on quoted separator
['foo', 'bar,bla']

Note that sep gives one or more separator characters, not a single separator string:

>>> list(split_str("foo,bar bla", ", "))
['foo', 'bar', 'bla']

Unlike str.split(), separators at the start/end of a string are simply ignored, as are multiple subsequent separators:

>>> list(split_str("/C=AT//ST=Vienna///OU=something//", "/"))
['C=AT', 'ST=Vienna', 'OU=something', '']

The string to split.

sep: str

String of characters that are considered separators.

django_ca.utils.validate_hostname(hostname: str, allow_port: bool = False) str[source]

Validate a hostname, optionally with a given port.

>>> validate_hostname('')
>>> validate_hostname('', allow_port=True)

The hostname to validate.

allow_portbool, optional

If True, the hostname can also contain an optional port number, e.g. “”.


If hostname or port are not valid.

django_ca.utils.validate_private_key_parameters(key_type: Literal['DSA', 'RSA'], key_size: int | None, elliptic_curve: EllipticCurve | None) tuple[int, None][source]
django_ca.utils.validate_private_key_parameters(key_type: Literal['EC'], key_size: int | None, elliptic_curve: EllipticCurve | None) tuple[None, EllipticCurve]
django_ca.utils.validate_private_key_parameters(key_type: Literal['Ed448', 'Ed25519'], key_size: int | None, elliptic_curve: EllipticCurve | None) tuple[None, None]

Validate parameters for private key generation.

This function can be used to fail early if invalid parameters are passed, before the private key is generated.

>>> validate_private_key_parameters("RSA", 4096, None)
(4096, None)
>>> validate_private_key_parameters("Ed448", 4096, None)  # Ed448 does not care about the key size
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Key size is not supported for Ed448 keys.
>>> validate_private_key_parameters('RSA', 4000, None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: 4000: Key size must be a power of two
django_ca.utils.validate_public_key_parameters(key_type: Literal['RSA', 'DSA', 'EC', 'Ed25519', 'Ed448'], algorithm: SHA224 | SHA256 | SHA384 | SHA512 | SHA3_224 | SHA3_256 | SHA3_384 | SHA3_512 | None) SHA224 | SHA256 | SHA384 | SHA512 | SHA3_224 | SHA3_256 | SHA3_384 | SHA3_512 | None[source]

Validate parameters for signing a certificate.

This function can be used to fail early if invalid parameters are passed.

>>> validate_public_key_parameters("RSA", hashes.SHA256())  
<cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA256 object at 0x...>
>>> validate_public_key_parameters("Ed448", None)
>>> validate_public_key_parameters("Ed448", hashes.SHA256())
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Ed448 keys do not allow an algorithm for signing.
django_ca.utils.x509_name(name: str | Iterable[tuple[str, str]]) Name[source]

Parses a string or iterable of two-tuples into a x509.Name.

>>> x509_name([('C', 'AT'), ('CN', '')])