Deprecation timeline

2.2.0 (TBR)


  • Remove support for subjects in OpenSSL-style format (default switched in 2.0.0, deprecated since 1.27.0).

2.1.0 (TBR)

2.0.0 (TBR)


  • Switch the default subject format from OpenSSL-style to RFC 4514 (OpenSSL-style format will be removed in 2.2.0, announced in 1.27.0).

  • The convert_timestamps command will be removed (deprecated since 1.28.0).


  • Support for the old extension format in profiles will be removed. See Configure extensions for the new format.


  • The CA_FILE_STORAGE and CA_FILE_STORAGE_KWARGS settings will be removed. Use CA_KEY_BACKENDS instead (deprecated since 1.28.0).

Python API

  • django_ca.extensions.parse_extension() will be removed. Use Pydantic models instead (deprecated since 1.29.0).

1.29.0 (Upcoming release)


  • Dropped support for Python 3.8.

  • Dropped support for cryptography~=41.0, acme~=2.7.0 and acme~=2.8.0.

Python API

  • Removed django_ca.utils.parse_hash_algorithm(), deprecated since 1.25.0. Use standard hash algorithm names instead.

  • Removed django_ca.utils.format_name(), deprecated since 1.27.0. Use RFC 4514-formatted subjects instead.

1.28.0 (2024-03-30)


  • Dropped support for Django~=3.2, acme==1.26.0 and Alpine~=3.16.