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"""Model for x509.Name."""

import base64
from typing import Annotated, Any, cast

from pydantic import BeforeValidator, ConfigDict, Field, model_validator

from cryptography import x509
from import _ASN1Type
from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID

from django_ca import constants
from django_ca.pydantic import validators
from django_ca.pydantic.base import CryptographyModel, CryptographyRootModel
from django_ca.pydantic.type_aliases import OIDType

    "A dotted string representing the OID or a known alias as described in "
    "Actual value of the attribute. For x500 unique identifiers (OID "
    f"{NameOID.X500_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER.dotted_string}) the value must be the base64 encoded."

[docs] class NameAttributeModel(CryptographyModel[x509.NameAttribute]): """Pydantic model wrapping :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.NameAttribute`. For the `oid`, you can either use a dotted string or an alias from :py:attr:`~django_ca.constants.NAME_OID_TYPES`: .. pydantic-model:: name_attribute When processing a x500 unique identifier attribute, the value is expected to be base64 encoded: .. pydantic-model:: name_attribute_x500 """ model_config = ConfigDict( from_attributes=True, json_schema_extra={ "description": "A NameAttribute is defined by an object identifier (OID) and a value." }, ) oid: Annotated[OIDType, BeforeValidator(validators.name_oid_parser)] = Field( title="Object identifier", description=_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_OID_DESCRIPTION, json_schema_extra={"example": NameOID.COMMON_NAME.dotted_string}, ) value: str = Field( description=_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DESCRIPTION, json_schema_extra={"example": ""}, ) @model_validator(mode="before") @classmethod def parse_cryptography(cls, data: Any) -> Any: """Validator to handle x500 unique identifiers.""" if isinstance(data, x509.NameAttribute) and data.oid == NameOID.X500_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER: value = cast(bytes, data.value) return {"oid": data.oid.dotted_string, "value": base64.b64encode(value).decode("ascii")} return data @model_validator(mode="after") def validate_name_attribute(self) -> "NameAttributeModel": """Validate that country code OIDs have exactly two characters.""" country_code_oids = ( NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME.dotted_string, NameOID.JURISDICTION_COUNTRY_NAME.dotted_string, ) if self.oid in country_code_oids and len(self.value) != 2: raise ValueError(f"{self.value}: Must have exactly two characters") if self.oid == NameOID.COMMON_NAME.dotted_string and not self.value: name = constants.NAME_OID_NAMES[NameOID.COMMON_NAME] raise ValueError(f"{name} must not be an empty value") return self @property def cryptography(self) -> x509.NameAttribute: """The :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.NameAttribute` instance for this model.""" oid = x509.ObjectIdentifier(self.oid) if oid == NameOID.X500_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER: value = base64.b64decode(self.value) return x509.NameAttribute(oid=oid, value=value, _type=_ASN1Type.BitString) return x509.NameAttribute(oid=oid, value=self.value)
[docs] class NameModel(CryptographyRootModel[list[NameAttributeModel], x509.Name]): """Pydantic model wrapping :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.Name`. This model is a Pydantic :py:class:`~pydantic.root_model.RootModel` that takes a list of :py:class:`` instances: .. pydantic-model:: name """ root: list[NameAttributeModel] = Field( json_schema_extra={ "format": "X.501 Name", "example": [ {"oid": NameOID.COUNTRY_NAME.dotted_string, "value": "AT"}, {"oid": NameOID.COMMON_NAME.dotted_string, "value": ""}, ], "description": "A Name is composed of a list of name attributes.", }, ) @model_validator(mode="before") @classmethod def parse_cryptography(cls, data: Any) -> Any: """Validator for parsing :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.Name`.""" if isinstance(data, x509.Name): return list(data) return data @model_validator(mode="after") def validate_duplicates(self) -> "NameModel": """Validator to make sure that OIDs do not occur multiple times.""" seen = set() # for oid in set(oids): for attr in self.root: oid = x509.ObjectIdentifier(attr.oid) # Check if any fields are duplicate where this is not allowed (e.g. multiple CommonName fields) if oid in seen and oid not in constants.MULTIPLE_OIDS: name = constants.NAME_OID_NAMES.get(oid, oid.dotted_string) raise ValueError(f"attribute of type {name} must not occur more then once in a name.") seen.add(oid) return self @property def cryptography(self) -> x509.Name: """The :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.Name` instance for this model.""" return x509.Name([attr.cryptography for attr in self.root])