Source code for django_ca.key_backends.storages

# This file is part of django-ca (
# django-ca is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# django-ca is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
# implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with django-ca. If not, see
# <>.


import typing
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Annotated, Any, Optional

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, field_validator, model_validator
from pydantic_core.core_schema import ValidationInfo

from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import dsa, ec, rsa
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.types import (
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import (

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from import storages

from django_ca import ca_settings, constants
from django_ca.key_backends.base import KeyBackend
from import PasswordAction
from django_ca.pydantic.type_aliases import Base64EncodedBytes, EllipticCurveTypeAlias, PowerOfTwoTypeAlias
from django_ca.typehints import AllowedHashTypes, ArgumentGroup, EllipticCurves, ParsableKeyType
from django_ca.utils import generate_private_key, get_cert_builder

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from django_ca.models import CertificateAuthority

class CreatePrivateKeyOptions(BaseModel):
    """Options for initializing private keys."""

    # NOTE: we set frozen here to prevent accidental coding mistakes. Models should be immutable.
    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)

    key_type: ParsableKeyType
    password: Optional[bytes]
    path: Path
    key_size: Optional[Annotated[PowerOfTwoTypeAlias, Field(ge=ca_settings.CA_MIN_KEY_SIZE)]] = None
    elliptic_curve: Optional[EllipticCurveTypeAlias] = None

    def validate_key_size(self) -> "CreatePrivateKeyOptions":
        """Validate that the key size is not set for invalid key types."""
        if self.key_type in ("RSA", "DSA") and self.key_size is None:
            self.key_size = ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE
        elif self.key_type not in ("RSA", "DSA") and self.key_size is not None:
            raise ValueError(f"Key size is not supported for {self.key_type} keys.")
        return self

    def validate_elliptic_curve(self) -> "CreatePrivateKeyOptions":
        """Validate that the elliptic curve is not set for invalid key types."""
        if self.key_type == "EC" and self.elliptic_curve is None:
            self.elliptic_curve = ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_ELLIPTIC_CURVE()
        elif self.key_type != "EC" and self.elliptic_curve is not None:
            raise ValueError(f"Elliptic curves are not supported for {self.key_type} keys.")
        return self

class StorePrivateKeyOptions(BaseModel):
    """Options for storing a private key."""

    # NOTE: we set frozen here to prevent accidental coding mistakes. Models should be immutable.
    model_config = ConfigDict(frozen=True)

    path: Path
    password: Optional[bytes]

class UsePrivateKeyOptions(BaseModel):
    """Options for using a private key."""

    # NOTE: we set frozen here to prevent accidental coding mistakes. Models should be immutable.
    model_config = ConfigDict(frozen=True)

    password: Optional[Base64EncodedBytes] = Field(default=None, validate_default=True)

    @field_validator("password", mode="after")
    def load_default_password(cls, password: Optional[bytes], info: ValidationInfo) -> Optional[bytes]:
        """Validator to load the password from CA_PASSWORDS if not given."""
        if info.context and password is None:
            ca: CertificateAuthority = info.context.get("ca")
            if ca is not None:
                if settings_password := ca_settings.CA_PASSWORDS.get(ca.serial):
                    return settings_password

        return password

[docs] class StoragesBackend(KeyBackend[CreatePrivateKeyOptions, StorePrivateKeyOptions, UsePrivateKeyOptions]): """The default storage backend that uses Django's file storage API. The most common use case for this key backend is to store keys on the local file system. However, you can use any custom Django storage system, for example from `django-storages <>`_. This backend takes a single option, ``storage_alias``. It defines the storage system (as defined in `STORAGES <>`_) to use. The default configuration is a good example: .. tab:: Python .. literalinclude:: /include/config/ :language: python .. tab:: YAML .. literalinclude:: /include/config/settings_default_ca_key_backends.yaml :language: YAML .. seealso:: * `STORAGES setting <>`_ * `Django file storage API <>`_ """ name = "storages" title = "Store private keys using the Django file storage API" description = ( "It is most commonly used to store private keys on the filesystem. Custom file storage backends can " "be used to store keys on other systems (e.g. a cloud storage system)." ) use_model = UsePrivateKeyOptions supported_key_types: tuple[ParsableKeyType, ...] = constants.PARSABLE_KEY_TYPES supported_elliptic_curves: tuple[EllipticCurves, ...] = tuple(constants.ELLIPTIC_CURVE_TYPES) # Backend options storage_alias: str def __init__(self, alias: str, storage_alias: str) -> None: if storage_alias not in settings.STORAGES: raise ValueError(f"{alias}: {storage_alias}: Storage alias is not configured.") super().__init__(alias, storage_alias=storage_alias) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return isinstance(other, StoragesBackend) and self.storage_alias == other.storage_alias def _add_password_argument(self, group: ArgumentGroup) -> None: group.add_argument( f"--{self.argparse_prefix}password", nargs="?", action=PasswordAction, metavar="PASSWORD", prompt="Password for CA: ", help="Password for the private key of the CA, if stored using the Django storage system.", ) def _add_path_argument(self, group: ArgumentGroup) -> None: group.add_argument( f"--{self.argparse_prefix}path", type=Path, default=Path("ca"), help="Path for storing the private key (in the storage backend, default: %(default)s).", ) def add_create_private_key_arguments(self, group: ArgumentGroup) -> None: self._add_path_argument(group) group.add_argument( f"--{self.argparse_prefix}password", nargs="?", action=PasswordAction, help="Encrypt the private key with PASSWORD. If PASSWORD is not passed, you will be prompted. By " "default, the private key is not encrypted.", ) def add_use_parent_private_key_arguments(self, group: ArgumentGroup) -> None: group.add_argument( f"--{self.argparse_prefix}parent-password", nargs="?", action=PasswordAction, metavar="PASSWORD", prompt="Password for parent CA: ", help="Password for the private key of the parent CA, if stored using the Django storage system.", ) def add_store_private_key_arguments(self, group: ArgumentGroup) -> None: self._add_password_argument(group) self._add_path_argument(group) def add_use_private_key_arguments(self, group: ArgumentGroup) -> None: self._add_password_argument(group) def get_create_private_key_options( self, key_type: ParsableKeyType, key_size: Optional[int], elliptic_curve: Optional[EllipticCurves], # type: ignore[override] options: dict[str, Any], ) -> CreatePrivateKeyOptions: return CreatePrivateKeyOptions( key_type=key_type, password=options[f"{self.options_prefix}password"], path=options[f"{self.options_prefix}path"], key_size=key_size, elliptic_curve=elliptic_curve, ) def get_store_private_key_options(self, options: dict[str, Any]) -> StorePrivateKeyOptions: return StorePrivateKeyOptions( password=options[f"{self.options_prefix}password"], path=options[f"{self.options_prefix}path"] ) def get_use_private_key_options( self, ca: Optional["CertificateAuthority"], options: dict[str, Any] ) -> UsePrivateKeyOptions: return UsePrivateKeyOptions.model_validate( {"password": options.get(f"{self.options_prefix}password")}, context={"ca": ca}, strict=True ) def get_use_parent_private_key_options( self, ca: "CertificateAuthority", options: dict[str, Any] ) -> UsePrivateKeyOptions: return UsePrivateKeyOptions.model_validate( {"password": options[f"{self.options_prefix}parent_password"]}, context={"ca": ca} ) def create_private_key( self, ca: "CertificateAuthority", key_type: ParsableKeyType, options: CreatePrivateKeyOptions ) -> tuple[CertificateIssuerPublicKeyTypes, UsePrivateKeyOptions]: storage = storages[self.storage_alias] if options.password is None: encryption: serialization.KeySerializationEncryption = serialization.NoEncryption() else: encryption = serialization.BestAvailableEncryption(options.password) key = generate_private_key(options.key_size, key_type, options.elliptic_curve) der = key.private_bytes( encoding=Encoding.DER, format=PrivateFormat.PKCS8, encryption_algorithm=encryption ) # write private key to file and update ourselves so that we are able to sign certificates safe_serial = ca.serial.replace(":", "") path = / f"{safe_serial}.key"), ContentFile(der)) # Update model instance ca.key_backend_options = {"path": path} use_private_key_options = UsePrivateKeyOptions.model_validate( {"password": options.password}, context={"ca": ca} ) return key.public_key(), use_private_key_options def store_private_key( self, ca: "CertificateAuthority", key: CertificateIssuerPrivateKeyTypes, options: StorePrivateKeyOptions, ) -> None: storage = storages[self.storage_alias] if options.password is None: encryption: serialization.KeySerializationEncryption = serialization.NoEncryption() else: encryption = serialization.BestAvailableEncryption(options.password) der = key.private_bytes( encoding=Encoding.DER, format=PrivateFormat.PKCS8, encryption_algorithm=encryption ) safe_serial = ca.serial.replace(":", "") path = / f"{safe_serial}.key"), ContentFile(der)) # Update model instance ca.key_backend_options = {"path": path} def get_key( self, ca: "CertificateAuthority", use_private_key_options: UsePrivateKeyOptions ) -> CertificateIssuerPrivateKeyTypes: """The CAs private key as private key.""" storage = storages[self.storage_alias] path = ca.key_backend_options["path"] # Load encoded private key data from the filesystem stream =, mode="rb") try: key_data: bytes = finally: stream.close() password = use_private_key_options.password try: key = typing.cast( # type validated below CertificateIssuerPrivateKeyTypes, load_der_private_key(key_data, password) ) except ValueError: try: key = typing.cast( # type validated below CertificateIssuerPrivateKeyTypes, load_pem_private_key(key_data, password) ) except ValueError as ex2: # cryptography passes the OpenSSL error directly here and it is notoriously unstable. raise ValueError("Could not decrypt private key - bad password?") from ex2 if not isinstance(key, constants.PRIVATE_KEY_TYPES): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Private key of this type is not supported.") return key def is_usable( self, ca: "CertificateAuthority", use_private_key_options: Optional[UsePrivateKeyOptions] = None ) -> bool: # If key_backend_options is not set or path is not set, it is certainly unusable. if not ca.key_backend_options or not ca.key_backend_options.get("path"): return False # If options are not passed, we return True if the file exists. if not use_private_key_options: return storages[self.storage_alias].exists(ca.key_backend_options["path"]) try: self.get_key(ca, use_private_key_options) return True except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught # want to always return bool return False def check_usable(self, ca: "CertificateAuthority", use_private_key_options: UsePrivateKeyOptions) -> None: """Check if the given CA is usable, raise ValueError if not. The `options` are the options returned by :py:func:`~django_ca.key_backends.base.KeyBackend.get_use_private_key_options`. It may be ``None`` in cases where key options cannot (yet) be loaded. If ``None``, the backend should return ``False`` if it knows for sure that it will not be usable, and ``True`` if usability cannot be determined. """ if not ca.key_backend_options or not ca.key_backend_options.get("path"): raise ValueError(f"{ca.key_backend_options}: Path not configured in database.") try: self.get_key(ca, use_private_key_options) except FileNotFoundError as ex: storage = storages[self.storage_alias] try: path = storage.path(ca.key_backend_options["path"]) except NotImplementedError: # pragma: no cover # Backends that do not implement path() should raise NotImplementedError path = ca.key_backend_options["path"] raise ValueError(f"{path}: Private key file not found.") from ex except ValueError: raise except Exception as ex: raise ValueError(*ex.args) from ex def sign_certificate( self, ca: "CertificateAuthority", use_private_key_options: UsePrivateKeyOptions, public_key: CertificateIssuerPublicKeyTypes, serial: int, algorithm: Optional[AllowedHashTypes], issuer: x509.Name, subject: x509.Name, expires: datetime, extensions: list[x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType]], ) -> x509.Certificate: builder = get_cert_builder(expires, serial=serial) builder = builder.public_key(public_key) builder = builder.issuer_name(issuer) builder = builder.subject_name(subject) for extension in extensions: builder = builder.add_extension(extension.value, critical=extension.critical) return builder.sign(private_key=self.get_key(ca, use_private_key_options), algorithm=algorithm) def sign_certificate_revocation_list( self, ca: "CertificateAuthority", use_private_key_options: UsePrivateKeyOptions, builder: x509.CertificateRevocationListBuilder, algorithm: Optional[AllowedHashTypes], ) -> x509.CertificateRevocationList: return builder.sign(private_key=self.get_key(ca, use_private_key_options), algorithm=algorithm) def get_ocsp_key_size( self, ca: "CertificateAuthority", use_private_key_options: UsePrivateKeyOptions ) -> int: """Get the default key size for OCSP keys. This is only called for RSA or DSA keys.""" key = self.get_key(ca, use_private_key_options) if not isinstance(key, (rsa.RSAPrivateKey, dsa.DSAPrivateKey)): raise ValueError("This function should only be called with RSA/DSA CAs.") return key.key_size def get_ocsp_key_elliptic_curve( self, ca: "CertificateAuthority", use_private_key_options: UsePrivateKeyOptions ) -> ec.EllipticCurve: """Get the default elliptic curve for OCSP keys. This is only called for elliptic curve keys.""" key = self.get_key(ca, use_private_key_options) if not isinstance(key, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey): raise ValueError("This function should only be called with EllipticCurve-based CAs.") return key.curve