Source code for django_ca.typehints

# This file is part of django-ca (
# django-ca is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# django-ca is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
# implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with django-ca. If not, see
# <>.

"""Various type aliases used in throughout django-ca."""

import argparse
import typing
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.x509.certificate_transparency import SignedCertificateTimestamp

from import CommandParser

# Module level imports to enable forward references. See also:
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from django_ca import models

[docs]class SupportsLessThan(typing.Protocol): """Protocol that specifies <, making something sortable.""" def __lt__(self, __other: Any) -> bool: # pragma: nocover ...
try: # pragma: only cryptography>=40.0 # pylint: disable-next=useless-import-alias,ungrouped-imports from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.types import ( CertificateIssuerPrivateKeyTypes as CertificateIssuerPrivateKeyTypes, ) except ImportError: # pragma: only cryptography<40.0 # typehints as added in cryptography 40 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.types import ( # noqa: F401 CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY_TYPES as CertificateIssuerPrivateKeyTypes, ) CRLExtensionTypeTypeVar = typing.TypeVar( "CRLExtensionTypeTypeVar", x509.CRLDistributionPoints, x509.FreshestCRL ) #: Hash algorithms that can be used for signing certificates. #: NOTE: This is a duplicate of the protected ``cryptography.x509.base._AllowedHashTypes``. AllowedHashTypes = typing.Union[ hashes.SHA224, hashes.SHA256, hashes.SHA384, hashes.SHA512, hashes.SHA3_224, hashes.SHA3_256, hashes.SHA3_384, hashes.SHA3_512, ] ExtensionDict = Dict[x509.ObjectIdentifier, x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType]] KeyUsages = typing.Literal[ "cRLSign", "dataEncipherment", "decipherOnly", "digitalSignature", "encipherOnly", "keyAgreement", "keyCertSign", "keyEncipherment", "nonRepudiation", # ] ParsableName = Union[str, Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]] Expires = Optional[Union[int, datetime, timedelta]] ParsableHash = Optional[Union[str, AllowedHashTypes]] ParsableKeyType = typing.Literal["RSA", "DSA", "EC", "Ed25519", "Ed448"] ParsableSubject = Union[ str, # Union for keys is not supported, see: typing.Mapping[x509.ObjectIdentifier, Union[str, Iterable[str]]], typing.Mapping[str, Union[str, Iterable[str]]], x509.Name, Iterable[Tuple[Union[x509.ObjectIdentifier, str], Union[str, Iterable[str]]]], ] # GeneralNameList ParsableGeneralName = Union[x509.GeneralName, str] ParsableGeneralNameList = Iterable[ParsableGeneralName] SerializedExtension = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedExtension", { "critical": bool, # Value should be a generic typevar, but this is not yet supported in mypy: # "value": Any, }, ) SerializedName = List[Tuple[str, str]] SerializedProfile = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedProfile", { "cn_in_san": bool, "description": str, "subject": Optional[SerializedName], "extensions": Dict[str, Any], }, ) # Looser variants of the above for incoming arguments ParsableNoticeReference = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableNoticeReference", {"organization": str, "notice_numbers": Iterable[int]}, total=False ) ParsableUserNotice = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableUserNotice", {"notice_reference": Union[x509.NoticeReference, ParsableNoticeReference], "explicit_text": str}, total=False, ) # Parsable arguments ParsableDistributionPoint = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableDistributionPoint", { "full_name": Optional[ParsableGeneralNameList], "relative_name": Union[str, x509.RelativeDistinguishedName], "crl_issuer": ParsableGeneralNameList, "reasons": Iterable[Union[str, x509.ReasonFlags]], }, total=False, ) ParsablePolicyQualifier = Union[str, x509.UserNotice, ParsableUserNotice] ParsablePolicyIdentifier = Union[str, x509.ObjectIdentifier] ParsablePolicyInformation = typing.TypedDict( "ParsablePolicyInformation", { "policy_identifier": ParsablePolicyIdentifier, "policy_qualifiers": Optional[typing.Sequence[ParsablePolicyQualifier]], }, total=False, ) PolicyQualifier = Union[str, x509.UserNotice] ExtensionTypeTypeVar = typing.TypeVar("ExtensionTypeTypeVar", bound=x509.ExtensionType) # """A type variable for a :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.ExtensionType` instance.""" ParsableExtension = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableExtension", { "critical": bool, # Value should be a generic typevar, but this is not yet supported in mypy: # "value": Any, }, total=False, ) if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: ExtensionTypeVar = x509.Extension[ExtensionTypeTypeVar] ExtensionType = x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType] SubjectKeyIdentifierType = x509.Extension[x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier] UnrecognizedExtensionType = x509.Extension[x509.UnrecognizedExtension] TLSFeatureExtensionType = x509.Extension[x509.TLSFeature] PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestampsType = x509.Extension[ x509.PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestamps ] else: ExtensionType = ExtensionTypeVar = x509.Extension SubjectKeyIdentifierType = ( TLSFeatureExtensionType ) = UnrecognizedExtensionType = PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestampsType = x509.ExtensionType BasicConstraintsBase = typing.TypedDict("BasicConstraintsBase", {"ca": bool}) ParsableAuthorityKeyIdentifierDict = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableAuthorityKeyIdentifierDict", { "key_identifier": Optional[bytes], "authority_cert_issuer": Iterable[str], "authority_cert_serial_number": Optional[int], }, total=False, ) SerializedNullExtension = typing.TypedDict("SerializedNullExtension", {"critical": bool}) ################ # Type aliases # ################ ExtensionMapping = Dict[x509.ObjectIdentifier, x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType]] # Type aliases for protected subclass returned by add_argument_group(). ArgumentGroup = argparse._ArgumentGroup # pylint: disable=protected-access # An CommandParser (subclass of argparse.ArgumentParser) or an argument group added by add_argument_group(). ActionsContainer = Union[CommandParser, ArgumentGroup] ############ # TypeVars # ############ # pylint: disable-next=invalid-name # Should match class, but pylint is more sensitive here X509CertMixinTypeVar = typing.TypeVar("X509CertMixinTypeVar", bound="models.X509CertMixin") ##################### # Serialized values # ##################### # Collect JSON-serializable versions of cryptography values. Typehints in this section start with # "Serialized...". SerializedAuthorityInformationAccess = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedAuthorityInformationAccess", { "issuers": List[str], "ocsp": List[str], }, total=False, ) SerializedAuthorityKeyIdentifier = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedAuthorityKeyIdentifier", { "key_identifier": str, "authority_cert_issuer": List[str], "authority_cert_serial_number": int, }, total=False, ) # pylint: disable-next=inherit-non-class; False positive
[docs]class SerializedBasicConstraints(BasicConstraintsBase, total=False): """Serialized representation of a BasicConstraints extension. A value of this type is a dictionary with a ``"ca"`` key with a boolean value. If ``True``, it also has a ``"path_length"`` value that is either ``None`` or an int. """ path_length: Optional[int]
SerializedDistributionPoint = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedDistributionPoint", { "full_name": List[str], "relative_name": str, "crl_issuer": List[str], "reasons": List[str], }, total=False, ) SerializedDistributionPoints = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedDistributionPoints", { "critical": bool, "value": List[SerializedDistributionPoint], }, ) SerializedNameConstraints = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedNameConstraints", { "permitted": List[str], "excluded": List[str], }, total=False, ) SerializedPolicyConstraints = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedPolicyConstraints", { "inhibit_policy_mapping": int, "require_explicit_policy": int, }, total=False, ) # PolicyInformation serialization SerializedNoticeReference = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedNoticeReference", {"organization": str, "notice_numbers": List[int]}, total=False ) SerializedUserNotice = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedUserNotice", {"explicit_text": str, "notice_reference": SerializedNoticeReference}, total=False ) SerializedPolicyQualifier = Union[str, SerializedUserNotice] SerializedPolicyQualifiers = List[SerializedPolicyQualifier] SerializedPolicyInformation = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedPolicyInformation", {"policy_identifier": str, "policy_qualifiers": Optional[SerializedPolicyQualifiers]}, ) SerializedSignedCertificateTimestamp = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedSignedCertificateTimestamp", { "log_id": str, "timestamp": str, "type": str, "version": str, }, ) """A dictionary with four keys: log_id, timestamp, type, version, values are all str.""" ################### # Parsable values # ################### # Collect typehints for values that can be parsed back into cryptography values. Typehints in this section # start with "Parsable...". ParsableAuthorityKeyIdentifier = Union[str, bytes, ParsableAuthorityKeyIdentifierDict] ParsableAuthorityInformationAccess = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableAuthorityInformationAccess", { "ocsp": Optional[ParsableGeneralNameList], "issuers": Optional[ParsableGeneralNameList], }, total=False, ) # pylint: disable-next=inherit-non-class; False positive
[docs]class ParsableBasicConstraints(BasicConstraintsBase, total=False): """Serialized representation of a BasicConstraints extension. A value of this type is a dictionary with a ``"ca"`` key with a boolean value. If ``True``, it also has a ``"path_length"`` value that is either ``None`` or an int. """ path_length: Union[int, str]
ParsableNameConstraints = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableNameConstraints", { "permitted": ParsableGeneralNameList, "excluded": ParsableGeneralNameList, }, total=False, ) ParsablePolicyConstraints = typing.TypedDict( "ParsablePolicyConstraints", { "require_explicit_policy": int, "inhibit_policy_mapping": int, }, total=False, ) ParsableSignedCertificateTimestamp = Union[SerializedSignedCertificateTimestamp, SignedCertificateTimestamp] ParsableSubjectKeyIdentifier = Union[str, bytes, x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier] ##################### # Type alternatives # ##################### # Collect Union[] typehints that occur multiple times, e.g. multiple x509.ExtensionType classes that behave # the same way. Typehints in this section are named "...Type". AlternativeNameExtensionType = Union[x509.SubjectAlternativeName, x509.IssuerAlternativeName] CRLExtensionType = Union[x509.FreshestCRL, x509.CRLDistributionPoints] InformationAccessExtensionType = Union[x509.AuthorityInformationAccess, x509.SubjectInformationAccess] SignedCertificateTimestampType = Union[ x509.PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestamps, x509.SignedCertificateTimestamps ]