Source code for django_ca.typehints

# This file is part of django-ca (
# django-ca is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# django-ca is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with django-ca.  If not,
# see <>.

"""Various type aliases used in throughout django-ca."""

import typing
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import dsa, ec, ed448, ed25519, rsa
from cryptography.x509.certificate_transparency import SignedCertificateTimestamp

# Module level imports to enable forward references. See also:
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from django_ca import models

[docs]class SupportsLessThan(typing.Protocol): """Protocol that specifies <, making something sortable.""" def __lt__(self, __other: Any) -> bool: # pragma: nocover ...
CRLExtensionTypeTypeVar = typing.TypeVar( "CRLExtensionTypeTypeVar", x509.CRLDistributionPoints, x509.FreshestCRL ) #: Private key types that we support PrivateKeyTypes = Union[ dsa.DSAPrivateKey, rsa.RSAPrivateKey, ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey, ed448.Ed448PrivateKey, ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey, ] ParsableName = Union[str, Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]] Expires = Optional[Union[int, datetime, timedelta]] ParsableHash = Optional[Union[str, hashes.HashAlgorithm]] ParsableKeyType = typing.Literal["RSA", "DSA", "EC", "Ed25519", "Ed448"] ParsableSubject = Union[ str, # Union for keys is not supported, see: typing.Mapping[x509.ObjectIdentifier, Union[str, Iterable[str]]], typing.Mapping[str, Union[str, Iterable[str]]], x509.Name, Iterable[Tuple[Union[x509.ObjectIdentifier, str], Union[str, Iterable[str]]]], ] # GeneralNameList ParsableGeneralName = Union[x509.GeneralName, str] ParsableGeneralNameList = Iterable[ParsableGeneralName] SerializedExtension = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedExtension", { "critical": bool, # Value should be a generic typevar, but this is not yet supported in mypy: # "value": Any, }, ) SerializedName = List[Tuple[str, str]] SerializedProfile = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedProfile", { "cn_in_san": bool, "description": str, "subject": SerializedName, "extensions": Dict[str, Any], }, ) # Looser variants of the above for incoming arguments ParsableNoticeReference = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableNoticeReference", {"organization": str, "notice_numbers": Iterable[int]}, total=False ) ParsableUserNotice = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableUserNotice", {"notice_reference": Union[x509.NoticeReference, ParsableNoticeReference], "explicit_text": str}, total=False, ) # Parsable arguments ParsableDistributionPoint = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableDistributionPoint", { "full_name": Optional[ParsableGeneralNameList], "relative_name": Union[str, x509.RelativeDistinguishedName], "crl_issuer": ParsableGeneralNameList, "reasons": Iterable[Union[str, x509.ReasonFlags]], }, total=False, ) ParsablePolicyQualifier = Union[str, x509.UserNotice, ParsableUserNotice] ParsablePolicyIdentifier = Union[str, x509.ObjectIdentifier] ParsablePolicyInformation = typing.TypedDict( "ParsablePolicyInformation", { "policy_identifier": ParsablePolicyIdentifier, "policy_qualifiers": Optional[typing.Sequence[ParsablePolicyQualifier]], }, total=False, ) PolicyQualifier = Union[str, x509.UserNotice] ExtensionTypeTypeVar = typing.TypeVar("ExtensionTypeTypeVar", bound=x509.ExtensionType) """A type variable for a :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.ExtensionType` instance.""" AlternativeNameTypeVar = typing.TypeVar( "AlternativeNameTypeVar", x509.IssuerAlternativeName, x509.SubjectAlternativeName ) SignedCertificateTimestampsBaseTypeVar = typing.TypeVar( "SignedCertificateTimestampsBaseTypeVar", x509.SignedCertificateTimestamps, x509.PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestamps, ) ParsableExtension = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableExtension", { "critical": bool, # Value should be a generic typevar, but this is not yet supported in mypy: # "value": Any, }, total=False, ) ParsableItem = typing.TypeVar("ParsableItem") """TypeVar representing a parsable list item.""" ParsableValue = typing.TypeVar("ParsableValue") """A value that can be parsed to a valid extension.""" SerializedItem = typing.TypeVar("SerializedItem") """TypeVar representing a serialized item for an iterable extension.""" SerializedSortableItem = typing.TypeVar("SerializedSortableItem", bound=SupportsLessThan) """TypeVar representing a serialized item that can be sorted (for OrderedSetExtension).""" SerializedValue = typing.TypeVar("SerializedValue") """TypeVar representing a serialized value for an extension.""" IterableItem = typing.TypeVar("IterableItem") """TypeVar representing a value contained in an iterable extension.""" if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: ExtensionTypeVar = x509.Extension[ExtensionTypeTypeVar] ExtensionType = x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType] SubjectKeyIdentifierType = x509.Extension[x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier] UnrecognizedExtensionType = x509.Extension[x509.UnrecognizedExtension] TLSFeatureExtensionType = x509.Extension[x509.TLSFeature] PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestampsType = x509.Extension[ x509.PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestamps ] else: ExtensionType = ExtensionTypeVar = x509.Extension SubjectKeyIdentifierType = ( TLSFeatureExtensionType ) = UnrecognizedExtensionType = PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestampsType = x509.ExtensionType BasicConstraintsBase = typing.TypedDict("BasicConstraintsBase", {"ca": bool}) ParsableAuthorityKeyIdentifierDict = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableAuthorityKeyIdentifierDict", { "key_identifier": Optional[bytes], "authority_cert_issuer": Iterable[str], "authority_cert_serial_number": Optional[int], }, total=False, ) SerializedNullExtension = typing.TypedDict("SerializedNullExtension", {"critical": bool}) ################ # Type aliases # ################ ExtensionMapping = Dict[x509.ObjectIdentifier, x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType]] ############ # TypeVars # ############ # pylint: disable-next=invalid-name # Should match class, but pylint is more sensitive here X509CertMixinTypeVar = typing.TypeVar("X509CertMixinTypeVar", bound="models.X509CertMixin") ##################### # Serialized values # ##################### # Collect JSON-serializable versions of cryptography values. Typehints in this section start with # "Serialized...". SerializedAuthorityInformationAccess = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedAuthorityInformationAccess", { "issuers": List[str], "ocsp": List[str], }, total=False, ) SerializedAuthorityKeyIdentifier = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedAuthorityKeyIdentifier", { "key_identifier": str, "authority_cert_issuer": List[str], "authority_cert_serial_number": int, }, total=False, ) # pylint: disable-next=inherit-non-class; False positive
[docs]class SerializedBasicConstraints(BasicConstraintsBase, total=False): """Serialized representation of a BasicConstraints extension. A value of this type is a dictionary with a ``"ca"`` key with a boolean value. If ``True``, it also has a ``"pathlen"`` value that is either ``None`` or an int. """ pathlen: Optional[int]
SerializedDistributionPoint = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedDistributionPoint", { "full_name": List[str], "relative_name": str, "crl_issuer": List[str], "reasons": List[str], }, total=False, ) SerializedDistributionPoints = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedDistributionPoints", { "critical": bool, "value": List[SerializedDistributionPoint], }, ) SerializedNameConstraints = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedNameConstraints", { "permitted": List[str], "excluded": List[str], }, total=False, ) SerializedPolicyConstraints = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedPolicyConstraints", { "inhibit_policy_mapping": int, "require_explicit_policy": int, }, total=False, ) # PolicyInformation serialization SerializedNoticeReference = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedNoticeReference", {"organization": str, "notice_numbers": List[int]}, total=False ) SerializedUserNotice = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedUserNotice", {"explicit_text": str, "notice_reference": SerializedNoticeReference}, total=False ) SerializedPolicyQualifier = Union[str, SerializedUserNotice] SerializedPolicyQualifiers = List[SerializedPolicyQualifier] SerializedPolicyInformation = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedPolicyInformation", {"policy_identifier": str, "policy_qualifiers": Optional[SerializedPolicyQualifiers]}, ) SerializedSignedCertificateTimestamp = typing.TypedDict( "SerializedSignedCertificateTimestamp", { "log_id": str, "timestamp": str, "type": str, "version": str, }, ) """A dictionary with four keys: log_id, timestamp, type, version, values are all str.""" ################### # Parsable values # ################### # Collect typehints for values that can be parsed back into cryptography values. Typehints in this section # start with "Parsable...". ParsableAuthorityKeyIdentifier = Union[str, bytes, ParsableAuthorityKeyIdentifierDict] ParsableAuthorityInformationAccess = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableAuthorityInformationAccess", { "ocsp": Optional[ParsableGeneralNameList], "issuers": Optional[ParsableGeneralNameList], }, total=False, ) # pylint: disable-next=inherit-non-class; False positive
[docs]class ParsableBasicConstraints(BasicConstraintsBase, total=False): """Serialized representation of a BasicConstraints extension. A value of this type is a dictionary with a ``"ca"`` key with a boolean value. If ``True``, it also has a ``"pathlen"`` value that is either ``None`` or an int. """ pathlen: Union[int, str]
ParsableNameConstraints = typing.TypedDict( "ParsableNameConstraints", { "permitted": ParsableGeneralNameList, "excluded": ParsableGeneralNameList, }, total=False, ) ParsablePolicyConstraints = typing.TypedDict( "ParsablePolicyConstraints", { "require_explicit_policy": int, "inhibit_policy_mapping": int, }, total=False, ) ParsableSignedCertificateTimestamp = Union[SerializedSignedCertificateTimestamp, SignedCertificateTimestamp] ParsableSubjectKeyIdentifier = Union[str, bytes, x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier] ##################### # Type alternatives # ##################### # Collect Union[] typehints that occur multiple times, e.g. multiple x509.ExtensionType classes that behave # the same way. Typehints in this section are named "...Type". AlternativeNameExtensionType = Union[x509.SubjectAlternativeName, x509.IssuerAlternativeName] CRLExtensionType = Union[x509.FreshestCRL, x509.CRLDistributionPoints] InformationAccessExtensionType = Union[x509.AuthorityInformationAccess, x509.SubjectInformationAccess] SignedCertificateTimestampType = Union[ x509.PrecertificateSignedCertificateTimestamps, x509.SignedCertificateTimestamps ]