Source code for django_ca.utils

# This file is part of django-ca (
# django-ca is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# django-ca is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with django-ca.  If not,
# see <>.

"""Reusable utility functions used throughout django-ca."""

import binascii
import re
import shlex
import sys
import typing
import warnings
from collections import abc
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import timezone
from ipaddress import ip_address
from ipaddress import ip_network
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type
from typing import Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import idna

import asn1crypto.core
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import dsa
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ed448
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ed25519
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding
from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID

from import get_storage_class
from django.core.validators import URLValidator
from django.utils import timezone as tz
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from . import ca_settings
from .deprecation import RemovedInDjangoCA122Warning
from .typehints import PRIVATE_KEY_TYPES
from .typehints import Expires
from .typehints import Literal
from .typehints import ParsableGeneralName
from .typehints import ParsableGeneralNameList
from .typehints import ParsableHash
from .typehints import ParsableKeyCurve
from .typehints import ParsableKeyType
from .typehints import SupportsIndex

# List of possible subject fields, in order

# Description strings for various X509 extensions, taken from "man x509v3_config".
EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE_DESC = _("Purposes for which the certificate public key can be used for.")
KEY_USAGE_DESC = _("Permitted key usages.")

#: Regular expression to match general names.
GENERAL_NAME_RE = re.compile("^(email|URI|IP|DNS|RID|dirName|otherName):(.*)", flags=re.I)

#: Regular expression matching certificate serials as hex
SERIAL_RE = re.compile("^([0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:?)+[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]?$")

UNSAFE_NAME_CHARS = re.compile(r'[\\/\'"]')

    x509.DNSName: "DNS",
    x509.RFC822Name: "email",
    x509.DirectoryName: "dirname",
    x509.UniformResourceIdentifier: "URI",
    x509.IPAddress: "IP",
    x509.RegisteredID: "RID",
    x509.OtherName: "otherName",

# Human readable names come from RFC 4519 except where noted
#: Map OID objects to IDs used in subject strings
OID_NAME_MAPPINGS: Dict[x509.ObjectIdentifier, str] = {
    NameOID.BUSINESS_CATEGORY: "businessCategory",
    NameOID.DN_QUALIFIER: "dnQualifier",
    NameOID.EMAIL_ADDRESS: "emailAddress",  # not specified in RFC 4519
    NameOID.GENERATION_QUALIFIER: "generationQualifier",
    NameOID.GIVEN_NAME: "givenName",
    NameOID.INN: "inn",  # undocumented
    NameOID.JURISDICTION_COUNTRY_NAME: "jurisdictionCountryName",
    NameOID.JURISDICTION_LOCALITY_NAME: "jurisdictionLocalityName",
    NameOID.JURISDICTION_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_NAME: "jurisdictionStateOrProvinceName",
    NameOID.OGRN: "ogrn",  # undocumented
    NameOID.POSTAL_ADDRESS: "postalAddress",
    NameOID.POSTAL_CODE: "postalCode",
    NameOID.PSEUDONYM: "pseudonym",  # not specified in RFC 4519
    NameOID.SERIAL_NUMBER: "serialNumber",
    NameOID.SNILS: "snils",  # undocumented
    NameOID.STREET_ADDRESS: "street",
    NameOID.SURNAME: "sn",
    NameOID.TITLE: "title",
    NameOID.UNSTRUCTURED_NAME: "unstructuredName",  # not specified in RFC 4519
    NameOID.USER_ID: "uid",
    NameOID.X500_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER: "x500UniqueIdentifier",

# same, but reversed, used for parsing
NAME_OID_MAPPINGS = {v: k for k, v in OID_NAME_MAPPINGS.items()}

# RFC 4519 adds some aliases so we add them here
        "commonName": NameOID.COMMON_NAME,
        "domainComponent": NameOID.DOMAIN_COMPONENT,
        "localityName": NameOID.LOCALITY_NAME,
        "organizationName": NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME,
        "organizationalUnitName": NameOID.ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME,
        "streetAddress": NameOID.STREET_ADDRESS,  # not specified in RFC 4519, but consistent with others
        "surname": NameOID.SURNAME,
        "userid": NameOID.USER_ID,

#: List of OIDs that may occur multiple times in a subject.

# uppercase values as keys for normalizing case
NAME_CASE_MAPPINGS = {k.upper(): v for k, v in NAME_OID_MAPPINGS.items()}


#: Mapping of canonical hash algorithm names to the implementing classes
HASH_ALGORITHM_NAMES: typing.Dict[str, typing.Type[hashes.HashAlgorithm]] = {
    # NOTE: shake128, shake256, blake2b and blake2s require a digest size, which is not currently supported hashes.SHA1, hashes.SHA512_224, hashes.SHA512_256, hashes.SHA224, hashes.SHA256, hashes.SHA384, hashes.SHA512, hashes.SHA3_224, hashes.SHA3_256, hashes.SHA3_384, hashes.SHA3_512,
    # hashes.SHAKE128,
    # hashes.SHAKE256, hashes.MD5,
    # hashes.BLAKE2b,
    # hashes.BLAKE2s,
    # NOTE: SM3 is added in cryptography 35.0
    # hashes.SM3,
if hasattr(hashes, "SM3"):  # pragma: cryptography>=35.0 branch

#: Mapping of canonical elliptic curve names to the implementing classes
ELLIPTIC_CURVE_NAMES: typing.Dict[str, typing.Type[ec.EllipticCurve]] = { ec.SECT571R1, ec.SECT409R1, ec.SECT283R1, ec.SECT233R1, ec.SECT163R2, ec.SECT571K1, ec.SECT409K1, ec.SECT283K1, ec.SECT233K1, ec.SECT163K1, ec.SECP521R1, ec.SECP384R1, ec.SECP256R1, ec.SECP256K1, ec.SECP224R1, ec.SECP192R1, ec.BrainpoolP256R1, ec.BrainpoolP384R1, ec.BrainpoolP512R1,

    # pylint: disable=unused-import,useless-import-alias
    #         Import alias is for mypy (explicit re-export)
    from django.utils.functional import classproperty as classproperty
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    # NOTE: Official Django documentation states that this decorator is new in Django 3.1, but in reality
    #       it is present (but undocumented) in Django 2.2 as well.
    # Copy of classproperty from django 3.1 for older versions
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-function-docstring
    class classproperty:  # type: ignore
        Decorator that converts a method with a single `cls` argument into a property
        that can be accessed directly from the class.

        def __init__(self, method=None):  # type: ignore
            self.fget = method

        def __get__(self, instance, cls=None):  # type: ignore
            return self.fget(cls)

        def getter(self, method):  # type: ignore
            self.fget = method
            return self

[docs]def make_naive(timestamp: datetime) -> datetime: """Like :py:func:`~django.utils.timezone.make_naive`, but does not return an error if already naive.""" if tz.is_naive(timestamp) is False: return tz.make_naive(timestamp) return timestamp
[docs]def sort_name(name: x509.Name) -> x509.Name: """Returns the subject in the correct order for a x509 subject.""" try: return x509.Name(sorted(name, key=lambda attr: SUBJECT_FIELDS.index(attr.oid))) except ValueError: return name
[docs]def encode_url(url: str) -> str: """IDNA encoding for domains in URLs. Examples:: >>> encode_url('') '' >>> encode_url('https://exä') '' >>> encode_url('https://exä') '' """ parsed = urlparse(url) if parsed.hostname and parsed.port: hostname = idna.encode(parsed.hostname).decode("utf-8") parsed = parsed._replace(netloc=f"{hostname}:{parsed.port}") else: parsed = parsed._replace(netloc=idna.encode(parsed.netloc).decode("utf-8")) return parsed.geturl()
[docs]def encode_dns(name: str) -> str: """IDNA encoding for domains. Examples:: >>> encode_dns('') '' >>> encode_dns('exä') '' >>> encode_dns('.exä') '' >>> encode_dns('*.exä') '*' """ if name.startswith("*."): return f"*.{idna.encode(name[2:]).decode('utf-8')}" if name.startswith("."): return f".{idna.encode(name[1:]).decode('utf-8')}" return idna.encode(name).decode("utf-8")
[docs]def format_name(subject: typing.Union[x509.Name, x509.RelativeDistinguishedName]) -> str: """Convert a x509 name or relative name into the canonical form for distinguished names. This function does not take care of sorting the subject in any meaningful order. .. deprecated:: 1.20.0 Passing a list of two-tuples is deprecated as of 1.20.0 and the functionality will be removed in ``django_ca==1.22``. Examples:: >>> format_name(x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(NameOID.COMMON_NAME, '')])) '/' """ def _format_value(val: str) -> str: # If val contains no unsafe chars, return it unchanged if is None: return val return '"' + val.replace('"', r"\"").replace(r"\\", r"\\\\") + '"' if isinstance(subject, (x509.Name, x509.RelativeDistinguishedName)): items = [(OID_NAME_MAPPINGS[s.oid], s.value) for s in subject] else: warnings.warn( "Passing a list to format_name() is deprecated, pass a str instead", category=RemovedInDjangoCA122Warning, stacklevel=1, ) items = subject values = "/".join([f"{k}={_format_value(v)}" for k, v in items]) return f"/{values}"
[docs]def format_relative_name(name: x509.RelativeDistinguishedName) -> str: """Convert a relative name (RDN) into a canonical form. .. deprecated:: 1.20.0 This function is deprecated in favor of ``format_name()``, which provides identical functionality. This function will be removed in ``django_ca==1.22``. """ warnings.warn( "This function is deprecated, use format_name() instead.", category=RemovedInDjangoCA122Warning, stacklevel=1, ) return format_name(name)
[docs]def format_general_name(name: x509.GeneralName) -> str: """Format a single general name. >>> import ipaddress >>> format_general_name(x509.DNSName('')) '' >>> format_general_name(x509.IPAddress(ipaddress.IPv4Address(''))) 'IP:' """ if isinstance(name, x509.DirectoryName): value = format_name(name.value) else: value = name.value return f"{SAN_NAME_MAPPINGS[type(name)]}:{value}"
[docs]def is_power2(num: int) -> bool: """Return True if `num` is a power of 2. >>> is_power2(4) True >>> is_power2(3) False """ return num != 0 and ((num & (num - 1)) == 0)
[docs]def multiline_url_validator(value: str) -> None: """Validate that a TextField contains one valid URL per line. .. seealso:: """ validator = URLValidator() for line in value.splitlines(): validator(line)
[docs]def add_colons(value: str, pad: str = "0") -> str: """Add colons after every second digit. This function is used in functions to prettify serials. >>> add_colons('teststring') 'te:st:st:ri:ng' Parameters ---------- s : str The string to add colons to pad : str, optional If not an empty string, pad the string so that the last element always has two characters. The default is ``"0"``. """ if len(value) % 2 == 1 and pad: value = f"{pad}{value}" return ":".join([value[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(value), 2)])
[docs]def int_to_hex(i: int) -> str: """Create a hex-representation of the given serial. >>> int_to_hex(12345678) 'BC614E' """ return hex(i)[2:].upper()
[docs]def bytes_to_hex(value: bytes) -> str: """Convert a bytes array to hex. >>> bytes_to_hex(b'test') '74:65:73:74' """ return add_colons(binascii.hexlify(value).upper().decode("utf-8"))
[docs]def hex_to_bytes(value: str) -> bytes: """Convert a hex number to bytes. This should be the inverse of :py:func:`~django_ca.utils.bytes_to_hex`. >>> hex_to_bytes('74:65:73:74') b'test' """ return binascii.unhexlify(value.replace(":", ""))
[docs]def check_name(name: x509.Name) -> x509.Name: """Check if `name` is a valid x509 Name. This method raises ``ValueError`` if the CommonName contains an empty value or if any attribute not in :py:attr:`~django_ca.utils.MULTIPLE_OIDS` occurs multiple times. The method returns the name unchanged for convenience. """ seen = set() # for oid in set(oids): for attr in name: oid = attr.oid # Check if any fields are duplicate where this is not allowed (e.g. multiple CommonName fields) if oid in seen and oid not in MULTIPLE_OIDS: raise ValueError(f'Subject contains multiple "{OID_NAME_MAPPINGS[attr.oid]}" fields') seen.add(oid) if oid == NameOID.COMMON_NAME and not attr.value: raise ValueError("CommonName must not be an empty value") return name
[docs]def sanitize_serial(value: str) -> str: """Sanitize a serial provided by user/untrusted input. This function is intended to be used to get a serial as used internally by **django-ca** from untrusted user input. Internally, serials are stored in upper case and without ``:`` and leading zeros, but user output adds at least ``:``. Examples: >>> sanitize_serial('01:aB') '1AB' """ serial = value.upper().replace(":", "") if serial != "0": serial = serial.lstrip("0") if"[^0-9A-F]", serial): raise ValueError(f"{value}: Serial has invalid characters") return serial
[docs]def parse_name_x509(name: str) -> List[x509.NameAttribute]: """Parses a subject string as used in OpenSSLs command line utilities. .. versionchanged:: 1.20.0 This function no longer returns the subject in pseudo-sorted order. The ``name`` is expected to be close to the subject format commonly used by OpenSSL, for example ``/C=AT/L=Vienna/``. The function does its best to be lenient on deviations from the format, object identifiers are case-insensitive (e.g. ``cn`` is the same as ``CN``, whitespace at the start and end is stripped and the subject does not have to start with a slash (``/``). >>> parse_name_x509('/') [<NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value='')>] >>> parse_name_x509('c=AT/l= Vienna/o="quoting/works"/') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=countryName)>, value='AT')>, <NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=localityName)>, value='Vienna')>, <NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=organizationName)>, value='quoting/works')>, <NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value='')>] The function also handles whitespace, quoting and slashes correctly: >>> parse_name_x509('L="Vienna / District"/') # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [<NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=localityName)>, value='Vienna / District')>, <NameAttribute(oid=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value='')>] Examples of where this string is used are: .. code-block:: console # openssl req -new -key priv.key -out csr -utf8 -batch -sha256 -subj '/C=AT/' # openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -subject -nameopt compat /C=AT/L=Vienna/ """ attrs = [t.split("=", 1) for t in split_str(name.strip(), "/")] try: items = [(NAME_CASE_MAPPINGS[t[0].strip().upper()], t[1].strip()) for t in attrs] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"Unknown x509 name field: {e.args[0]}") from e return [x509.NameAttribute(oid, value) for oid, value in items]
[docs]def parse_name(name: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Parses a subject string as used in OpenSSLs command line utilities. .. deprecated:: 1.20.0 This function has been renamed to :py:func:`~django_ca.utils.parse_name_x509`. The old name will be removed in ``django_ca==1.22``. """ warnings.warn( "parse_name() has been deprecated, use parse_name_x509() instead", category=RemovedInDjangoCA122Warning, stacklevel=1, ) attrs = parse_name_x509(name) # Parse OIDs back to their cannonical string representation return [(OID_NAME_MAPPINGS[attr.oid], attr.value) for attr in attrs]
[docs]def x509_name(name: str) -> x509.Name: """Parses a string into a :py:class:`x509.Name <cg:cryptography.x509.Name>`. .. deprecated:: 1.20.0 Passing a list of two-tuples is deprecated as of 1.20.0 and the functionality will be removed in ``django_ca==1.22``. >>> x509_name('/C=AT/') <Name(C=AT,> """ if not isinstance(name, str): warnings.warn( "Passing a list to x509_name() is deprecated, pass a str instead", category=RemovedInDjangoCA122Warning, stacklevel=1, ) return x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(NAME_OID_MAPPINGS[typ], value) for typ, value in name]) return check_name(x509.Name(parse_name_x509(name)))
[docs]def x509_relative_name(name: str) -> x509.RelativeDistinguishedName: """Parse a relative name (RDN) into a :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.RelativeDistinguishedName`. >>> x509_relative_name('/') <RelativeDistinguishedName(> """ msg = f"Passing a {name.__class__.__name__} to x509_relative_name() is deprecated, pass a str instead" if isinstance(name, x509.RelativeDistinguishedName): warnings.warn(msg, category=RemovedInDjangoCA122Warning, stacklevel=1) return name if isinstance(name, (list, tuple)): warnings.warn(msg, category=RemovedInDjangoCA122Warning, stacklevel=1) return x509.RelativeDistinguishedName( [x509.NameAttribute(NAME_OID_MAPPINGS[typ], value) for typ, value in name] ) return x509.RelativeDistinguishedName(parse_name_x509(name))
[docs]def validate_email(addr: str) -> str: """Validate an email address. This function raises ``ValueError`` if the email address is not valid. >>> validate_email('') '' >>> validate_email('foo@bar com') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Invalid domain: bar com """ if "@" not in addr: raise ValueError(f"Invalid email address: {addr}") node, domain = addr.rsplit("@", 1) try: domain = idna.encode(domain).decode("utf-8") except idna.IDNAError as e: raise ValueError(f"Invalid domain: {domain}") from e return f"{node}@{domain}"
[docs]def validate_hostname(hostname: str, allow_port: bool = False) -> str: """Validate a hostname, optionally with a given port. >>> validate_hostname('') '' >>> validate_hostname('', allow_port=True) '' Parameters ---------- hostname : str The hostname to validate. allow_port : bool, optional If ``True``, the hostname can also contain an optional port number, e.g. "". Raises ------ ValueError If hostname or port are not valid. """ port = None if allow_port is True and ":" in hostname: hostname, port_str = hostname.rsplit(":", 1) try: port = int(port_str) except ValueError as ex: raise ValueError(f"{port_str}: Port must be an integer") from ex if port < 1 or port > 65535: raise ValueError(f"{port}: Port must be between 1 and 65535") try: encoded: str = idna.encode(hostname).decode("utf-8") except idna.IDNAError as ex: raise ValueError(f"{hostname}: Not a valid hostname") from ex if allow_port is True and port is not None: return f"{encoded}:{port}" return encoded
[docs]def validate_key_parameters( key_size: Optional[int] = None, key_type: ParsableKeyType = "RSA", ecc_curve: typing.Optional[ec.EllipticCurve] = None, ) -> None: """Validate parameters for private key generation and return sanitized values. This function can be used to fail early if invalid parameters are passed, before the private key is generated. >>> validate_key_parameters(4096, "RSA", None) >>> validate_key_parameters(4096, "Ed448", None) # Ed448 does not care about the key size >>> validate_key_parameters(4000, 'RSA', None) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: 4000: Key size must be a power of two """ if key_type not in ("RSA", "DSA", "ECC", "EdDSA", "Ed448"): raise ValueError(f"{key_type}: Unknown key type") if key_type in ("RSA", "DSA") and key_size is not None: if is_power2(key_size) is False: raise ValueError(f"{key_size}: Key size must be a power of two") if key_size < ca_settings.CA_MIN_KEY_SIZE: raise ValueError(f"{key_size}: Key size must be least {ca_settings.CA_MIN_KEY_SIZE} bits") if key_type == "ECC" and ecc_curve is not None and not isinstance(ecc_curve, ec.EllipticCurve): raise ValueError(f"{ecc_curve}: Must be a subclass of ec.EllipticCurve")
@typing.overload def generate_private_key( key_size: typing.Optional[int], key_type: Literal["DSA"], ecc_curve: typing.Optional[ec.EllipticCurve] ) -> dsa.DSAPrivateKey: ... @typing.overload def generate_private_key( key_size: typing.Optional[int], key_type: Literal["RSA"], ecc_curve: typing.Optional[ec.EllipticCurve] ) -> rsa.RSAPrivateKey: ... @typing.overload def generate_private_key( key_size: typing.Optional[int], key_type: Literal["ECC"], ecc_curve: typing.Optional[ec.EllipticCurve] ) -> ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey: ... @typing.overload def generate_private_key( key_size: typing.Optional[int], key_type: Literal["EdDSA"], ecc_curve: typing.Optional[ec.EllipticCurve] ) -> ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey: ... @typing.overload def generate_private_key( key_size: typing.Optional[int], key_type: Literal["Ed448"], ecc_curve: typing.Optional[ec.EllipticCurve] ) -> ed448.Ed448PrivateKey: ...
[docs]def generate_private_key( key_size: Optional[int], key_type: ParsableKeyType, ecc_curve: Optional[ec.EllipticCurve], ) -> PRIVATE_KEY_TYPES: """Generate a private key. This function assumes that you called :py:func:`~django_ca.utils.validate_key_parameters` on the input values and does not do any sanity checks on its own. Parameters ---------- key_size : int The size of the private key. The value is ignored if ``key_type`` is not ``"DSA"`` or ``"RSA"``. key_type : {'RSA', 'DSA', 'ECC', 'EdDSA', 'Ed448'} The type of the private key. ecc_curve : :py:class:`` An elliptic curve to use for ECC keys. This parameter is ignored if ``key_type`` is not ``"ECC"``. Defaults to the :ref:`CA_DEFAULT_ECC_CURVE <settings-ca-default-ecc-curve>`. Returns ------- key A private key of the appropriate type. """ # Make sure that parameters are valid validate_key_parameters(key_size, key_type, ecc_curve) if key_type == "DSA": if key_size is None: key_size = ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE return dsa.generate_private_key(key_size=key_size, backend=default_backend()) if key_type == "ECC": if ecc_curve is None: ecc_curve = ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_ECC_CURVE() return ec.generate_private_key(ecc_curve, default_backend()) if key_type == "EdDSA": return ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey.generate() if key_type == "Ed448": return ed448.Ed448PrivateKey.generate() if key_type == "RSA": if key_size is None: key_size = ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE return rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=key_size, backend=default_backend()) # COVERAGE NOTE: Unreachable code, as all possible key_types are handled above and validate_key_parameters # would raise for any other key types. raise ValueError(f"{key_type}: Invalid key type.") # pragma: no cover
[docs]def parse_general_name(name: ParsableGeneralName) -> x509.GeneralName: """Parse a general name from user input. This function will do its best to detect the intended type of any value passed to it: >>> parse_general_name('') <DNSName(value='')> >>> parse_general_name('*') <DNSName(value='*')> >>> parse_general_name('') # Syntax used e.g. for NameConstraints: All levels of subdomains <DNSName(value='')> >>> parse_general_name('') <RFC822Name(value='')> >>> parse_general_name('') <UniformResourceIdentifier(value='')> >>> parse_general_name('') <IPAddress(value=> >>> parse_general_name('fd00::1') <IPAddress(value=fd00::1)> >>> parse_general_name('/') <DirectoryName(value=<Name(>)> The default fallback is to assume a :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.DNSName`. If this doesn't work, an exception will be raised: >>> parse_general_name('`*123') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Could not parse name:`*123 If you want to override detection, you can prefix the name to match :py:const:`GENERAL_NAME_RE`: >>> parse_general_name('') <RFC822Name(value='')> >>> parse_general_name('URI:') <UniformResourceIdentifier(value='')> >>> parse_general_name('dirname:/') <DirectoryName(value=<Name(>)> Some more exotic values can only be generated by using this prefix: >>> parse_general_name('rid:') <RegisteredID(value=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>)> >>> parse_general_name('otherName:;') <OtherName(type_id=<ObjectIdentifier(oid=, name=commonName)>, value=b'\\x0c\\')> If you give a prefixed value, this function is less forgiving of any typos and does not catch any exceptions: >>> parse_general_name('email:foo@bar com') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Invalid domain: bar com """ # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,too-many-branches,too-many-statements if isinstance(name, x509.GeneralName): return name if not isinstance(name, str): raise ValueError( f"Cannot parse general name {name}: Must be of type str (was: {type(name).__name__})." ) typ = None match = GENERAL_NAME_RE.match(name) if match is not None: typ, name = match.groups() typ = typ.lower() if typ is None: if re.match("[a-z0-9]{2,}://", name): # Looks like a URI try: return x509.UniformResourceIdentifier(encode_url(name)) except idna.IDNAError: pass if "@" in name: # Looks like an Email address try: return x509.RFC822Name(validate_email(name)) except ValueError: pass if name.strip().startswith("/"): # maybe it's a dirname? return x509.DirectoryName(x509_name(name)) # Try to parse this as IPAddress/Network try: return x509.IPAddress(ip_address(name)) except ValueError: pass try: return x509.IPAddress(ip_network(name)) except ValueError: pass # Almost anything passes as DNS name, so this is our default fallback try: return x509.DNSName(encode_dns(name)) except idna.IDNAError as e: raise ValueError(f"Could not parse name: {name}") from e if typ == "uri": try: return x509.UniformResourceIdentifier(encode_url(name)) except idna.IDNAError as e: raise ValueError(f"Could not parse DNS name in URL: {name}") from e elif typ == "email": return x509.RFC822Name(validate_email(name)) # validate_email already raises ValueError elif typ == "ip": try: return x509.IPAddress(ip_address(name)) except ValueError: pass try: return x509.IPAddress(ip_network(name)) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError("Could not parse IP address.") elif typ == "rid": return x509.RegisteredID(x509.ObjectIdentifier(name)) elif typ == "othername": match = re.match("(.*?);(.*?):(.*)", name) if match is not None: oid, asn_typ, val = match.groups() # Get DER representation of the value for x509.OtherName() if asn_typ in ("UTF8", "UTF8String"): parsed_value = asn1crypto.core.UTF8String(val).dump() elif asn_typ in ("UNIV", "UNIVERSALSTRING"): parsed_value = asn1crypto.core.UniversalString(val).dump() elif asn_typ in ("IA5", "IA5STRING"): parsed_value = asn1crypto.core.IA5String(val).dump() elif asn_typ in ("BOOL", "BOOLEAN"): # nconf allows for true, y, yes, false, n and no as valid values if val.lower() in ("true", "y", "yes"): parsed_value = asn1crypto.core.Boolean(True).dump() elif val.lower() in ("false", "n", "no"): parsed_value = asn1crypto.core.Boolean(False).dump() else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported {asn_typ} specification for otherName: {val}: Must be TRUE or FALSE" ) elif asn_typ in ("UTC", "UTCTIME"): parsed_datetime = datetime.strptime(val, "%y%m%d%H%M%SZ").replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) parsed_value = asn1crypto.core.UTCTime(parsed_datetime).dump() elif asn_typ in ("GENTIME", "GENERALIZEDTIME"): parsed_datetime = datetime.strptime(val, "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ").replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) parsed_value = asn1crypto.core.GeneralizedTime(parsed_datetime).dump() elif asn_typ == "NULL": if val: raise ValueError("Invalid NULL specification for otherName: Value must not be present") parsed_value = asn1crypto.core.Null().dump() elif asn_typ in ("INT", "INTEGER"): if val.startswith("0x"): parsed_value = asn1crypto.core.Integer(int(val, 16)).dump() else: parsed_value = asn1crypto.core.Integer(int(val)).dump() elif asn_typ == "OctetString": parsed_value = asn1crypto.core.OctetString(bytes(bytearray.fromhex(val))).dump() else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported ASN type in otherName: {asn_typ}") # NOTE: cryptography docs are not really clear on what kind of bytes x509.OtherName() expects, but # the test suite explicitly use b"derdata" as value, indicating DER encoded data. return x509.OtherName(x509.ObjectIdentifier(oid), parsed_value) raise ValueError(f"Incorrect otherName format: {name}") elif typ == "dirname": return x509.DirectoryName(x509_name(name)) else: try: return x509.DNSName(encode_dns(name)) except idna.IDNAError as e: raise ValueError(f"Could not parse DNS name: {name}") from e
[docs]def parse_hash_algorithm( value: typing.Union[typing.Type[hashes.HashAlgorithm], ParsableHash] = None ) -> hashes.HashAlgorithm: """Parse a hash algorithm value. The most common use case is to pass a str naming a class in :py:mod:`~cg:cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes`. For convenience, passing ``None`` will return the value of :ref:`CA_DIGEST_ALGORITHM <settings-ca-digest-algorithm>`, and passing an :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.HashAlgorithm` will return that instance unchanged. Example usage:: >>> parse_hash_algorithm() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA512 object at ...> >>> parse_hash_algorithm('SHA512') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA512 object at ...> >>> parse_hash_algorithm(' SHA512 ') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA512 object at ...> >>> parse_hash_algorithm(hashes.SHA512) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA512 object at ...> >>> parse_hash_algorithm(hashes.SHA512()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA512 object at ...> >>> parse_hash_algorithm('Wrong') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Unknown hash algorithm: Wrong >>> parse_hash_algorithm(object()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Unknown type passed: object Parameters ---------- value : str or :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.HashAlgorithm`, optional The value to parse, the function description on how possible values are used. Returns ------- algorithm A :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.HashAlgorithm` instance. Raises ------ ValueError If an unknown object is passed or if ``value`` does not name a known algorithm. """ if value is None: return ca_settings.CA_DIGEST_ALGORITHM if isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, hashes.HashAlgorithm): return value() if isinstance(value, hashes.HashAlgorithm): return value if isinstance(value, str): if value in HASH_ALGORITHM_NAMES: return HASH_ALGORITHM_NAMES[value]() try: algo: Type[hashes.HashAlgorithm] = getattr(hashes, value.strip()) return algo() except AttributeError as e: raise ValueError(f"Unknown hash algorithm: {value}") from e raise ValueError(f"Unknown type passed: {type(value).__name__}")
[docs]def parse_encoding(value: Optional[Union[str, Encoding]] = None) -> Encoding: """Parse a value to a valid encoding. This function accepts either a member of :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.Encoding` or a string describing a member. If no value is passed, it will assume ``PEM`` as a default value. Note that ``"ASN1"`` is treated as an alias for ``"DER"``. >>> parse_encoding() <Encoding.PEM: 'PEM'> >>> parse_encoding('DER') <Encoding.DER: 'DER'> >>> parse_encoding(Encoding.PEM) <Encoding.PEM: 'PEM'> """ if value is None: return ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_ENCODING if isinstance(value, Encoding): return value if isinstance(value, str): if value == "ASN1": value = "DER" try: return Encoding[value] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"Unknown encoding: {value}") from e raise ValueError(f"Unknown type passed: {type(value).__name__}")
[docs]def parse_expires(expires: Expires = None) -> datetime: """Parse a value specifying an expiry into a concrete datetime.""" now = datetime.utcnow().replace(second=0, microsecond=0) if isinstance(expires, int): return now + timedelta(days=expires) if isinstance(expires, timedelta): return now + expires if isinstance(expires, datetime): # NOTE: A datetime is passed when creating an intermediate CA and the expiry is limited by the expiry # of the parent CA. return expires.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) return now + ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_EXPIRES
[docs]def parse_key_curve(value: ParsableKeyCurve = None) -> ec.EllipticCurve: """Parse an elliptic curve value. This function uses a value identifying an elliptic curve to return an :py:class:`` instance. The name must match a class name of one of the classes named under "Elliptic Curves" in :any:`cg:hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/ec`. For convenience, passing ``None`` will return the value of :ref:`CA_DEFAULT_ECC_CURVE <settings-ca-default-ecc-curve>`, and passing an :py:class:`` will return that instance unchanged. Example usage:: >>> parse_key_curve('SECP256R1') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS < object at ...> >>> parse_key_curve('SECP384R1') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS < object at ...> >>> parse_key_curve(ec.SECP256R1()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS < object at ...> >>> parse_key_curve() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS < object at ...> Parameters ---------- value : str, otional The name of the curve or ``None`` to return the default curve. Returns ------- curve An :py:class:`` instance. Raises ------ ValueError If the named curve is not supported. """ if isinstance(value, ec.EllipticCurve): return value # name was already parsed if value is None: return ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_ECC_CURVE() if value in ELLIPTIC_CURVE_NAMES: return ELLIPTIC_CURVE_NAMES[value]() error_msg = f"{value}: Not a known Eliptic Curve" try: curve: Type[ec.EllipticCurve] = getattr(ec, value.strip()) except AttributeError as ex: raise ValueError(error_msg) from ex if not issubclass(curve, ec.EllipticCurve): raise ValueError(error_msg) return curve()
[docs]def get_cert_builder(expires: datetime, serial: Optional[int] = None) -> x509.CertificateBuilder: """Get a basic X.509 certificate builder object. Parameters ---------- expires : datetime Serial number to set for this certificate. Use :py:func:`~cg:cryptography.x509.random_serial_number` to generate such a value. By default, a value will be generated. """ now = datetime.utcnow().replace(second=0, microsecond=0) # NOTE: Explicitly passing a serial is used when creating a CA, where we want to add extensions where the # value references the serial. if serial is None: serial = x509.random_serial_number() expires = make_naive(expires) if expires <= now: raise ValueError("expires must be in the future") # strip seconds and microseconds expires = expires.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) builder = x509.CertificateBuilder() builder = builder.not_valid_before(now) builder = builder.not_valid_after(expires) builder = builder.serial_number(serial) return builder
[docs]def read_file(path: str) -> bytes: """Read the file from the given path. If ``path`` is an absolute path, reads a file from the local file system. For relative paths, read the file using the storage backend configured using :ref:`CA_FILE_STORAGE <settings-ca-file-storage>`. """ stream = try: # NOTE: In the python:3.9-rc-alpine3.10 Docker image, this is marked as a missed branch :-( data: bytes = # pragma: no branch return data finally: stream.close()
# Note used currently, but left here for future reference # def write_private_file(path, data): # """Function to write binary data to a file that will only be readable to the user.""" # # with os.fdopen(, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY, 0o400), 'wb') as fh: # fh.write(data)
[docs]def split_str(val: str, sep: str) -> typing.Iterator[str]: """Split a character on the given set of characters. Example:: >>> list(split_str('foo,bar', ', ')) ['foo', 'bar'] >>> list(split_str('foo\\\\,bar1', ',')) # escape a separator ['foo,bar1'] >>> list(split_str('foo,"bar,bla"', ',')) # do not split on quoted separator ['foo', 'bar,bla'] Note that `sep` gives one or more separator characters, not a single separator string:: >>> list(split_str("foo,bar bla", ", ")) ['foo', 'bar', 'bla'] Unlike ``str.split()``, separators at the start/end of a string are simply ignored, as are multiple subsequent separators:: >>> list(split_str("/C=AT//ST=Vienna///OU=something//", "/")) ['C=AT', 'ST=Vienna', 'OU=something', ''] Parameters ---------- val : str The string to split. sep: str String of characters that are considered separators. """ lex = shlex.shlex(val, posix=True) lex.commenters = "" lex.whitespace = sep lex.whitespace_split = True yield from lex
[docs]def shlex_split(val: str, sep: str) -> List[str]: """Split a character on the given set of characters. .. deprecated:: 1.20.0 This function has been renamed to :py:func:`~django_ca.utils.split_str`. The old name will be removed in ``django_ca==1.22``. """ warnings.warn( "shlex_split() has been deprecated, use split_str() instead", category=RemovedInDjangoCA122Warning, stacklevel=2, ) return list(split_str(val=val, sep=sep))
[docs]class GeneralNameList(List[x509.GeneralName]): """List that holds :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.GeneralName` instances and parses ``str`` when added. A ``GeneralNameList`` is a ``list`` subclass that will always only hold :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.GeneralName` instances, but any ``str`` passed to it will be passed to :py:func:`~django_ca.utils.parse_general_name`:: >>> from cryptography import x509 >>> l = GeneralNameList(['']) >>> l += ['', x509.DNSName('')] >>> print(l) <GeneralNameList: ['', '', '']> >>> '' in l, '' in l, x509.DNSName('') in l (True, True, True) >>> l == ['', '', ''] True >>> l == [x509.DNSName(''), '', ''] True """ # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable; pylint does not detect generic iterables ("class Foo(List[Any])"). # See also: def __init__( self, iterable: Optional[Union[ParsableGeneralName, ParsableGeneralNameList]] = None ) -> None: if iterable is None: iterable = [] if isinstance(iterable, (str, x509.GeneralName)): iterable = [iterable] super().__init__(parse_general_name(v) for v in iterable)
[docs] def serialize(self) -> List[str]: """Generate a list of formatted names.""" return [format_general_name(v) for v in self]
def __add__(self, value: ParsableGeneralNameList) -> "GeneralNameList": # self + other_list if not isinstance(value, GeneralNameList): value = GeneralNameList(value) return GeneralNameList(list(self) + list(value)) def __contains__(self, value: Any) -> bool: # value in self try: value = parse_general_name(value) except ValueError: return False return list.__contains__(self, value) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: # value == other if isinstance(other, GeneralNameList) is False and isinstance(other, list) is True: other = GeneralNameList(other) return list.__eq__(self, other) def __iadd__(self, value: ParsableGeneralNameList) -> "GeneralNameList": # self += value return list.__iadd__(self, (parse_general_name(v) for v in value)) def __repr__(self) -> str: names = [format_general_name(v) for v in self] return f"<GeneralNameList: {names}>" @typing.overload def __setitem__(self, key: SupportsIndex, value: ParsableGeneralName) -> None: # pragma: no cover ... @typing.overload def __setitem__(self, key: slice, value: ParsableGeneralNameList) -> None: # pragma: no cover ... def __setitem__( self, key: Union[SupportsIndex, slice], value: Union[ParsableGeneralNameList, ParsableGeneralName] ) -> None: # l[0] = '' if isinstance(key, slice) and isinstance(value, abc.Iterable): # equivalent to l[0:1] = [''] list.__setitem__(self, key, (parse_general_name(v) for v in value)) elif isinstance(key, int) and isinstance(value, (x509.GeneralName, str)): # equivalent to l[0] = '' list.__setitem__(self, key, parse_general_name(value)) else: raise TypeError(f"{key}/{value}: Invalid key/value type.")
[docs] def append(self, value: ParsableGeneralName) -> None: """Equivalent to list.append().""" list.append(self, parse_general_name(value))
[docs] def count(self, value: ParsableGeneralName) -> int: """Equivalent to list.count().""" try: value = parse_general_name(value) except ValueError: return 0 return list.count(self, value)
[docs] def extend(self, iterable: ParsableGeneralNameList) -> None: """Equivalent to list.extend().""" list.extend(self, (parse_general_name(i) for i in iterable))
[docs] def index( self, value: ParsableGeneralName, start: SupportsIndex = 0, stop: SupportsIndex = sys.maxsize ) -> int: """Equivalent to list.index().""" return list.index(self, parse_general_name(value), start, stop)
[docs] def insert(self, index: SupportsIndex, value: ParsableGeneralName) -> None: """Equivalent to list.insert().""" list.insert(self, index, parse_general_name(value))
[docs] def remove(self, value: ParsableGeneralName) -> None: """Equivalent to list.remove().""" list.remove(self, parse_general_name(value))
[docs]def get_crl_cache_key( serial: str, algorithm: hashes.HashAlgorithm = hashes.SHA512(), encoding: Encoding = Encoding.DER, scope: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Get the cache key for a CRL with the given parameters.""" return f"crl_{serial}_{}_{}_{scope}"
# NOTE: get_storage_class is typed to Storage (but really returns the subclass FileSystemStorage). # The default kwargs trigger a type error because the default works for the subclass. ca_storage_cls = get_storage_class(ca_settings.CA_FILE_STORAGE) ca_storage = ca_storage_cls(**ca_settings.CA_FILE_STORAGE_KWARGS)