Source code for django_ca.managers

# This file is part of django-ca (
# django-ca is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# django-ca is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
# implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with django-ca. If not, see
# <>.

"""Django model managers."""

import typing
from import Iterable
from typing import Any, Generic, Optional, TypeVar, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel

from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.x509.oid import AuthorityInformationAccessOID, ExtensionOID

from django.db import models
from django.urls import reverse

from django_ca import ca_settings, constants
from django_ca.extensions.utils import format_extensions, get_formatting_context
from django_ca.key_backends.base import KeyBackend
from django_ca.modelfields import LazyCertificateSigningRequest
from django_ca.openssh import SshHostCaExtension, SshUserCaExtension
from django_ca.profiles import Profile, profiles
from django_ca.signals import post_create_ca, post_issue_cert, pre_create_ca
from django_ca.typehints import (
from django_ca.utils import int_to_hex, parse_expires, validate_hostname, validate_public_key_parameters

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from django_ca.models import (
    from django_ca.querysets import (

    AcmeAccountManagerBase = models.Manager[AcmeAccount]
    AcmeAuthorizationManagerBase = models.Manager[AcmeAuthorization]
    AcmeCertificateManagerBase = models.Manager[AcmeCertificate]
    AcmeChallengeManagerBase = models.Manager[AcmeChallenge]
    AcmeOrderManagerBase = models.Manager[AcmeOrder]
    CertificateAuthorityManagerBase = models.Manager[CertificateAuthority]
    CertificateManagerBase = models.Manager[Certificate]

    QuerySetTypeVar = TypeVar("QuerySetTypeVar", CertificateAuthorityQuerySet, CertificateQuerySet)
    AcmeAccountManagerBase = AcmeAuthorizationManagerBase = AcmeCertificateManagerBase = (
    ) = AcmeOrderManagerBase = CertificateAuthorityManagerBase = CertificateManagerBase = models.Manager
    QuerySetTypeVar = TypeVar("QuerySetTypeVar")

class CertificateManagerMixin(Generic[X509CertMixinTypeVar, QuerySetTypeVar]):
    """Mixin for model managers."""

    if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
        # django-stubs (mypy plugin for Django) currently typehints queryset methods as returning a manager,
        # and does not know about queryset methods coming from the queryset. We typehint basic queryset
        # methods here, so that mypy knows that returned objects are querysets.
        # The type overrides are because of the return type, as mypy thinks they should return a manager.
        # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring,unused-argument; just defining stubs here

        def all(self) -> QuerySetTypeVar: ...

        def get_queryset(self) -> QuerySetTypeVar: ...

        def filter(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> QuerySetTypeVar: ...

        def exclude(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> QuerySetTypeVar: ...

        def order_by(self, *fields: str) -> QuerySetTypeVar: ...

        def get_by_serial_or_cn(self, identifier: str) -> X509CertMixinTypeVar: ...

        def valid(self) -> QuerySetTypeVar: ...

class CertificateAuthorityManager(
    CertificateManagerMixin["CertificateAuthority", "CertificateAuthorityQuerySet"],
    """Model manager for the CertificateAuthority model."""

    if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
        # See CertificateManagerMixin for description on this branch
        # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring; just defining stubs here

        def acme(self) -> "CertificateAuthorityQuerySet": ...

        def default(self) -> "CertificateAuthority": ...

        def disabled(self) -> "CertificateAuthorityQuerySet": ...

        def enabled(self) -> "CertificateAuthorityQuerySet": ...

        def invalid(self) -> "CertificateAuthorityQuerySet": ...

        def usable(self) -> "CertificateAuthorityQuerySet": ...

    def _get_formatting_context(self, serial: int, signer_serial: int) -> dict[str, Union[int, str]]:
        context = get_formatting_context(serial, signer_serial)
        kwargs = {"serial": context["SIGNER_SERIAL_HEX"]}
        context["OCSP_PATH"] = reverse("django_ca:ocsp-ca-post", kwargs=kwargs).lstrip("/")
        context["CRL_PATH"] = reverse("django_ca:ca-crl", kwargs=kwargs).lstrip("/")
        return context

    def _handle_authority_information_access(
        hostname: Optional[str],
        extensions: ExtensionMapping,
    ) -> None:
        """Add an Authority Information Access extension with a URI based on `hostname` to `extensions`.

        If the extension is already present, OCSP/CA Issuers access description are only added if the
        extension does not contain any access descriptions of the respective type.
        access_descriptions: list[x509.AccessDescription] = []
        if oid in extensions:
            extension = typing.cast(x509.AuthorityInformationAccess, extensions[oid].value)
            access_descriptions = list(extension)

        has_ocsp = any(ad.access_method == AuthorityInformationAccessOID.OCSP for ad in access_descriptions)
        has_issuer = any(
            ad.access_method == AuthorityInformationAccessOID.CA_ISSUERS for ad in access_descriptions

        # Fields are only added if not already present, so if both are present, we have nothing to do
        if has_ocsp and has_issuer:

        if has_issuer is False:
        if has_ocsp is False:

        # Finally sort by OID so that we have more predictable behavior
        access_descriptions = sorted(access_descriptions, key=lambda ad: ad.access_method.dotted_string)

        extensions[oid] = x509.Extension(

    def _handle_crl_distribution_point(self, hostname: Optional[str], extensions: ExtensionMapping) -> None:
        """Add CRL Distribution Point extension with a URI based on `hostname` to `extensions`.

        The extension is only added if it is not already set in `extensions`.
        oid = ExtensionOID.CRL_DISTRIBUTION_POINTS
        if oid in extensions:

        uri = x509.UniformResourceIdentifier(f"http://{hostname}/{{CRL_PATH}}")
        extensions[oid] = x509.Extension(
                [x509.DistributionPoint(full_name=[uri], relative_name=None, reasons=None, crl_issuer=None)]

[docs] def init( # noqa: PLR0912,PLR0913,PLR0915 self, name: str, # If BaseModel is used, you can no longer pass subclasses without a mypy warning (-> variance) key_backend: KeyBackend[Any, Any, Any], key_backend_options: BaseModel, subject: x509.Name, expires: Expires = None, algorithm: Optional[AllowedHashTypes] = None, parent: Optional["CertificateAuthority"] = None, use_parent_private_key_options: Optional[BaseModel] = None, default_hostname: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None, path_length: Optional[int] = None, key_type: ParsableKeyType = "RSA", extensions: Optional[Iterable[x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType]]] = None, caa: str = "", website: str = "", terms_of_service: str = "", acme_enabled: bool = False, acme_registration: bool = True, acme_requires_contact: bool = True, acme_profile: Optional[str] = None, openssh_ca: bool = False, sign_authority_information_access: Optional[x509.Extension[x509.AuthorityInformationAccess]] = None, sign_certificate_policies: Optional[x509.Extension[x509.CertificatePolicies]] = None, sign_crl_distribution_points: Optional[x509.Extension[x509.CRLDistributionPoints]] = None, sign_issuer_alternative_name: Optional[x509.Extension[x509.IssuerAlternativeName]] = None, ocsp_responder_key_validity: Optional[int] = None, ocsp_response_validity: Optional[int] = None, api_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> "CertificateAuthority": """Create a new certificate authority. .. versionchanged:: 1.28.0 * The `key_backend` and `key_backend_options` parameters where added. * The `path`, `password`, `key_size` and `elliptic_curve` parameters where removed, they are now part of `key_backend`. * The `parent_password` parameter was removed, it is now part of the backend loaded for the parent. * The `issuer_alt_name` parameter was renamed to `sign_issuer_alternative_name`. * The `crl_url` option was removed in favor of `sign_crl_distribution_points`. * The `issuer_url` and `ocsp_url` options where removed in favor of `sign_authority_information_access`. .. versionchanged:: 1.26.0 * The `permitted_subtrees` and `excluded_subtrees` subtrees where removed. Pass a :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.NameConstraints` extension in `extensions` instead. * Added the `acme_registration` option. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the CA. This is a human-readable string and is used for administrative purposes only. key_backend : :py:class:`~django_ca.key_backends.base.KeyBackend` A subclass of :py:class:`~django_ca.key_backends.base.KeyBackend` to use for storing the private key. key_backend_options : BaseModel Parameters required for creating the private key using `key_backend`. subject : :py:class:`cg:cryptography.x509.Name` The desired subject for the certificate. expires : int or datetime or timedelta, optional When this certificate authority will expire, defaults to :ref:`CA_DEFAULT_EXPIRES <settings-ca-default-expires>`. algorithm : :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.HashAlgorithm`, optional Hash algorithm used when signing the certificate, defaults to :ref:`settings-ca-default-signature-hash-algorithm` for RSA/EC keys, and :ref:`settings-ca-default-dsa-signature-hash-algorithm` for DSA keys. Passing an algorithm for Ed448/Ed25519 keys is an error. parent : :py:class:`~django_ca.models.CertificateAuthority`, optional Parent certificate authority for the new CA. Passing this value makes the CA an intermediate authority. Let unset if this CA will be used for OpenSSH. use_parent_private_key_options : BaseModel, optional Transient parameters required for signing certificates with `parent` (e.g. a password). This argument is required if `parent` is given. default_hostname : str, optional Override the URL configured with :ref:`CA_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME <settings-ca-default-hostname>` with a different hostname. Set to ``False`` to disable the hostname. path_length : int, optional Value of the path length attribute for the Basic Constraints extension. key_type: str, optional The type of private key to generate, must be one of ``"RSA"``, ``"DSA"``, ``"EC"``, or ``"Ed25519"`` , with ``"RSA"`` being the default. extensions : list of :py:class:`cg:cryptography.x509.Extension` An optional list of additional extensions to add to the certificate. caa : str, optional CAA identity. Note that this field is not yet currently used. website : str, optional URL to a human-readable website. terms_of_service : str, optional URL to the terms of service for the CA. acme_enabled : bool, optional Set to ``True`` to enable ACMEv2 support for this CA. acme_registration : bool, optional Whether to allow ACMEv2 clients to register new ACMEv2 accounts (if support is enabled in the first place). By default, account registration is enabled. acme_profile : str, optional The profile to use when issuing certificates via ACMEv2. Defaults to the CA_DEFAULT_PROFILE. acme_requires_contact : bool, optional Set to ``False`` if you do not want to force clients to register with an email address. openssh_ca : bool, optional Set to ``True`` if you want to use this to use this CA for signing OpenSSH certs. sign_authority_information_access : :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.Extension`, optional Add the given Authority Information Access extension when signing certificates. sign_certificate_policies : :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.Extension`, optional Add the given Certificate Policies extension when signing certificates. sign_crl_distribution_points : :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.Extension`, optional Add the given CRL Distribution Points extension when signing certificates. sign_issuer_alternative_name : :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.Extension`, optional Add the given Issuer Alternative Name extension when signing certificates. ocsp_responder_key_validity : int, optional How long (in days) OCSP responder keys should be valid. ocsp_response_validity : int, optional How long (in seconds) OCSP responses should be valid. api_enabled : bool, optional If the REST API shall be enabled. Raises ------ ValueError For various cases of wrong input data (e.g. extensions of invalid type). """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals if parent is not None and use_parent_private_key_options is None: raise ValueError("use_parent_private_key_options is required when parent is passed.") if openssh_ca and parent: raise ValueError("OpenSSH does not support intermediate authorities") if extensions is None: extensions = [] else: extensions = list(extensions) # cast extensions to list if set (so that we can extend later) # check type of values to provide better errors for extension in extensions: if isinstance(extension, x509.Extension) is False: raise ValueError(f"Cannot add extension of type {type(extension).__name__}") # NOTE: Already verified by the caller, so this is only for when the Python API is used directly. algorithm = validate_public_key_parameters(key_type, algorithm) expires = parse_expires(expires) # Append OpenSSH extensions if an OpenSSH CA was requested if openssh_ca: extensions.extend([SshHostCaExtension(), SshUserCaExtension()]) extensions_dict = {ext.oid: ext for ext in extensions} if ExtensionOID.KEY_USAGE not in extensions_dict: extensions_dict[ExtensionOID.KEY_USAGE] = x509.Extension( oid=ExtensionOID.KEY_USAGE, critical=constants.EXTENSION_DEFAULT_CRITICAL[ExtensionOID.KEY_USAGE], value=self.model.DEFAULT_KEY_USAGE, ) serial = x509.random_serial_number() if default_hostname is None: default_hostname = ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME if acme_profile is None: acme_profile = ca_settings.CA_DEFAULT_PROFILE elif acme_profile not in ca_settings.CA_PROFILES: raise ValueError(f"{acme_profile}: Profile is not defined.") if parent: signer_serial = else: signer_serial = serial context = self._get_formatting_context(serial, signer_serial) # If there is a default hostname, use it to compute some URLs from that if isinstance(default_hostname, str) and default_hostname: default_hostname = validate_hostname(default_hostname, allow_port=True) if sign_authority_information_access is None: # Calculate OCSP access description ocsp_path = reverse("django_ca:ocsp-cert-post", kwargs={"serial": context["SERIAL_HEX"]}) ocsp_url = f"http://{default_hostname}{ocsp_path}" ocsp_access_description = x509.AccessDescription( access_method=AuthorityInformationAccessOID.OCSP, access_location=x509.UniformResourceIdentifier(ocsp_url), ) # Calculate CA Issuers access description issuer_url = f"http://{default_hostname}/{context['CA_ISSUER_PATH']}" ca_issuers_access_description = x509.AccessDescription( access_method=AuthorityInformationAccessOID.CA_ISSUERS, access_location=x509.UniformResourceIdentifier(issuer_url), ) # Finally create the Authority Information Access extension sign_authority_information_access = x509.Extension( oid=ExtensionOID.AUTHORITY_INFORMATION_ACCESS, critical=constants.EXTENSION_DEFAULT_CRITICAL[ExtensionOID.AUTHORITY_INFORMATION_ACCESS], value=x509.AuthorityInformationAccess( # NOTE: OCSP comes first because it has the lexicographically lower dotted string. # Parts of the test-suite depend on stable order of access descriptions. [ocsp_access_description, ca_issuers_access_description] ), ) if sign_crl_distribution_points is None: crl_path = reverse("django_ca:crl", kwargs={"serial": context["SERIAL_HEX"]}) dpoint = x509.DistributionPoint( full_name=[x509.UniformResourceIdentifier(f"http://{default_hostname}{crl_path}")], relative_name=None, crl_issuer=None, reasons=None, ) sign_crl_distribution_points = x509.Extension( oid=ExtensionOID.CRL_DISTRIBUTION_POINTS, critical=constants.EXTENSION_DEFAULT_CRITICAL[ExtensionOID.CRL_DISTRIBUTION_POINTS], value=x509.CRLDistributionPoints([dpoint]), ) # Add extensions that make sense only for intermediate CAs if parent: self._handle_authority_information_access(default_hostname, extensions_dict) self._handle_crl_distribution_point(default_hostname, extensions_dict) # Format extension values format_extensions(extensions_dict, context) # Cast extensions_dict back to list, so that signal handler receives the same type as the method # itself. This has the added bonus of signal handlers being able to influence the extension order. extensions = list(extensions_dict.values()) # Initialize the CA model (has to be passed to key_backend.create_private_key()). ca: CertificateAuthority = self.model( name=name, parent=parent, serial=int_to_hex(serial), caa_identity=caa, website=website, terms_of_service=terms_of_service, acme_enabled=acme_enabled, acme_registration=acme_registration, acme_profile=acme_profile, acme_requires_contact=acme_requires_contact, sign_authority_information_access=sign_authority_information_access, sign_certificate_policies=sign_certificate_policies, sign_crl_distribution_points=sign_crl_distribution_points, sign_issuer_alternative_name=sign_issuer_alternative_name, key_backend_alias=key_backend.alias, ) # Set fields with a default value if ocsp_responder_key_validity is not None: ca.ocsp_responder_key_validity = ocsp_responder_key_validity if ocsp_response_validity is not None: ca.ocsp_response_validity = ocsp_response_validity if api_enabled is not None: ca.api_enabled = api_enabled pre_create_ca.send( sender=self.model, name=name, key_type=key_type, algorithm=algorithm, expires=expires, parent=parent, subject=subject, path_length=path_length, extensions=extensions, caa=caa, website=website, terms_of_service=terms_of_service, acme_enabled=acme_enabled, acme_registration=acme_registration, acme_profile=acme_profile, acme_requires_contact=acme_requires_contact, sign_authority_information_access=sign_authority_information_access, sign_certificate_policies=sign_certificate_policies, sign_crl_distribution_points=sign_crl_distribution_points, sign_issuer_alternative_name=sign_issuer_alternative_name, ocsp_responder_key_validity=ocsp_responder_key_validity, ocsp_response_validity=ocsp_response_validity, api_enabled=api_enabled, ) # Actually generate the private key and set ca.key_backend_options. public_key, use_private_key_options = key_backend.create_private_key( ca, key_type, key_backend_options ) # Add Basic Constraints extension extensions.append( x509.Extension( oid=ExtensionOID.BASIC_CONSTRAINTS, critical=True, value=x509.BasicConstraints(ca=True, path_length=path_length), ) ) # Add Subject Key Identifier extension extensions.append( x509.Extension( oid=ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER, critical=False, value=x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier.from_public_key(public_key), ) ) # Add Authority Key Identifier extension (and design on backend for signing) if parent is None: signer_ca = ca signer_backend = key_backend aki = x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier.from_issuer_public_key(public_key) issuer = subject else: signer_ca = parent signer_backend = parent.key_backend use_private_key_options = use_parent_private_key_options aki = parent.get_authority_key_identifier() issuer = parent.subject extensions.append( x509.Extension(oid=ExtensionOID.AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER, critical=False, value=aki) ) # Sign the certificate certificate = signer_backend.sign_certificate( signer_ca, use_private_key_options, public_key, serial, algorithm, issuer, subject, expires, extensions=extensions, ) ca.update_certificate(certificate) post_create_ca.send(sender=self.model, ca=ca) return ca
[docs] class CertificateManager( CertificateManagerMixin["Certificate", "CertificateQuerySet"], CertificateManagerBase ): """Model manager for the Certificate model.""" if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: # See CertificateManagerMixin for description on this branch # # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring; just defining stubs here def currently_valid(self) -> "CertificateQuerySet": ... def expired(self) -> "CertificateQuerySet": ... def not_yet_valid(self) -> "CertificateQuerySet": ... def preferred_order(self) -> "CertificateQuerySet": ... def revoked(self) -> "CertificateQuerySet": ...
[docs] def create_cert( # noqa: PLR0913 self, ca: "CertificateAuthority", key_backend_options: BaseModel, csr: x509.CertificateSigningRequest, profile: Optional[Profile] = None, autogenerated: Optional[bool] = None, subject: Optional[x509.Name] = None, expires: Expires = None, algorithm: Optional[AllowedHashTypes] = None, extensions: Optional[Iterable[x509.Extension[x509.ExtensionType]]] = None, add_crl_url: Optional[bool] = None, add_ocsp_url: Optional[bool] = None, add_issuer_url: Optional[bool] = None, add_issuer_alternative_name: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> "Certificate": """Create and sign a new certificate based on the given profile. Parameters ---------- ca : :py:class:`~django_ca.models.CertificateAuthority` The certificate authority to sign the certificate with. key_backend_options : BaseModel Transient parameters required for signing certificates with `ca` (e.g. a password). csr : :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.CertificateSigningRequest` The certificate signing request to use when signing a certificate. Passing a ``str`` or ``bytes`` is deprecated and will be removed in django-ca 1.20.0. profile : :py:class:`~django_ca.profiles.Profile`, optional The name of a profile or a manually created :py:class:`~django_ca.profiles.Profile` instance. If not given, the profile configured by :ref:`CA_DEFAULT_PROFILE <settings-ca-default-profile>` is used. autogenerated : bool, optional Override the profiles ``autogenerated`` flag. subject : :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.Name`, optional Passed to :py:func:`Profiles.create_cert() <django_ca.profiles.Profile.create_cert>`. expires : int or datetime or timedelta, optional Passed to :py:func:`Profiles.create_cert() <django_ca.profiles.Profile.create_cert>`. algorithm : :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.HashAlgorithm`, optional Passed to :py:func:`Profiles.create_cert() <django_ca.profiles.Profile.create_cert>`. extensions : list or of :py:class:`~cg:cryptography.x509.Extension` Passed to :py:func:`Profiles.create_cert() <django_ca.profiles.Profile.create_cert>`. add_crl_url : bool, optional Passed to :py:func:`Profiles.create_cert() <django_ca.profiles.Profile.create_cert>`. add_ocsp_url : bool, optional Passed to :py:func:`Profiles.create_cert() <django_ca.profiles.Profile.create_cert>`. add_issuer_url : bool, optional Passed to :py:func:`Profiles.create_cert() <django_ca.profiles.Profile.create_cert>`. add_issuer_alternative_name : bool, optional Passed to :py:func:`Profiles.create_cert() <django_ca.profiles.Profile.create_cert>`. """ # Get the profile object if none was passed if profile is None: profile = profiles[None] elif not isinstance(profile, Profile): raise TypeError("profile must be of type django_ca.profiles.Profile.") cert = profile.create_cert( ca, key_backend_options, csr, subject=subject, expires=expires, algorithm=algorithm, extensions=extensions, add_crl_url=add_crl_url, add_ocsp_url=add_ocsp_url, add_issuer_url=add_issuer_url, add_issuer_alternative_name=add_issuer_alternative_name, ) obj = self.model(ca=ca, csr=LazyCertificateSigningRequest(csr), obj.update_certificate(cert) if autogenerated is None: obj.autogenerated = profile.autogenerated else: obj.autogenerated = autogenerated post_issue_cert.send(sender=self.model, cert=obj) return obj
class AcmeAccountManager(AcmeAccountManagerBase): """Model manager for :py:class:`~django_ca.models.AcmeAccount`.""" if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: # See CertificateManagerMixin for description on this branch # # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring; just defining stubs here def viewable(self) -> "AcmeAccountQuerySet": ... class AcmeOrderManager(AcmeOrderManagerBase): """Model manager for :py:class:`~django_ca.models.AcmeOrder`.""" class AcmeAuthorizationManager(AcmeAuthorizationManagerBase): """Model manager for :py:class:`~django_ca.models.AcmeAuthorization`.""" if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: # See CertificateManagerMixin for description on this branch # # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring,unused-argument; just defining stubs here def account(self, account: "AcmeAccount") -> "AcmeAuthorizationQuerySet": ... def dns(self) -> "AcmeAuthorizationQuerySet": ... def names(self) -> list[str]: ... def url(self) -> "AcmeAuthorizationQuerySet": ... def viewable(self) -> "AcmeAuthorizationQuerySet": ... class AcmeChallengeManager(AcmeChallengeManagerBase): """Model manager for :py:class:`~django_ca.models.AcmeChallenge`.""" class AcmeCertificateManager(AcmeCertificateManagerBase): """Model manager for :py:class:`~django_ca.models.AcmeCertificate`."""